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词汇 在星期六
例句 The West's response was likely to be decided on Saturday.西方国家可能在星期六作出反应。Finding a babysitter for Saturday evening will be a major headache.在星期六晚上找个看小孩的人真是件让人头痛的事。The strongest weapon in the government's armoury is the price cuts announced on Saturday.政府最有力的对策是在星期六宣布价格下调。Teenagers love to go joyriding every Saturday night.十几岁的年轻人喜欢在星期六晚上开车兜风。They usually went to town on Saturdays to live it up.他们一般都在星期六进城玩乐一番。The teams will be slogging it out on Saturday.两队将在星期六决一雌雄。We'll try to rush your order through before Saturday.我们力争在星期六前发完你的定货。Before Saturday's football team is chosen, there will be a match between the probables and the possibles.在星期六的足球队选拔之前,将先进行一场预备及候补队员间的比赛。All contestants must enroll by Saturday.所有参赛者必须在星期六前登记。I am afraid I won't be able to visit you on Saturday.恐怕我无法在星期六来拜访您了。The two college teams will have a debate on Saturday.两个大学队将在星期六举行辩论比赛。The team got another licking on Saturday.那个队在星期六再次遭到惨败。Rangers face Celtic on Saturday.流浪者队将在星期六对阵凯尔特人队。The TV shows kids' cartoons on Saturday mornings.电视台在星期六早晨播放儿童动画片。I always do it last thing on a Saturday.这件事我总是放在星期六晚上睡觉前做。After their 2-0 win on Saturday, City lead the title race on goal difference.在星期六以二比零获胜之后,城队以净胜球优势名列联赛榜首。Nine men were arrested in drug raids, Saturday.在星期六的扫毒行动中九名男子被捕。He will receive the prize at a presentation on Saturday.他将在星期六的典礼上接受奖品。We don't know if Gascoigne will be fit to play in Saturday's game, but we're all hopeful.我们不知道加斯科因是否适合在星期六的比赛中上场,但大家都对此抱有希望。Teenagers like to get together and go nuts on Saturday night.青少年喜欢在星期六晚上聚在一起做一些疯狂事。The semifinal replay will be on Saturday.半决赛将在星期六重赛。The tied game will be replayed on Saturday.比赛打成平局,将在星期六重新比赛。Alison will be playing instead of me on Saturday.艾莉森会在星期六顶替我参赛。Chicago hammered Boston in an away game on Saturday.芝加哥队在星期六的一场客场比赛中轻易击败了波士顿队。Parsons must knock these lessons into the team before Saturday.帕森斯必须在星期六之前对球队灌输这些教训。Her article appeared in the Saturday newspaper.她的文章刊登在星期六的报纸上。Will Saturday do for our next meeting?我们下次的会议定在星期六行吗? He dispatched the defending national champion in a match on Saturday.在星期六的比赛中,他淘汰了卫冕的全国冠军。It is her custom to go for a walk on Saturday mornings.她惯常在星期六早上出去散步。We're going all out for a big win in Saturday's game.我们会竭尽全力争取在星期六的比赛中大获全胜。I'll try to rush the book through before Saturday.我会设法在星期六之前把这本书赶紧看完。Christmas is on a Saturday this year.今年圣诞在星期六Mary couldn't abide shopping on Saturdays because the stores were always so crowded.玛丽忍受不了在星期六购物,因为商店里总是很拥挤。A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night.一名年轻人在星期六晚上发生的枪击事件中受了重伤。The day for changing from one occupancy to the next was on a Saturday.使用期的变更日在星期六Mother does her shopping on Saturdays.母亲常在星期六去买东西。The ship landed at the pier on Saturday.在星期六靠码头。




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