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词汇 在辩论中
例句 They had angry passages with each other during the debate.他们在辩论中恶言相向。Do you ever speak in debates?在辩论中发过言吗?He drove his point home during the debate.在辩论中力陈己见。He will very quickly go for the jugular in the debate.他会在辩论中非常迅速地击中对手要害。During the debate, he gave a tirade about the nation's future.在辩论中,他长篇大论地阐述了国家的未来。Politicians spat insults at each other during the debate.在辩论中政客们气冲冲地相互辱骂。The candidates jockeyed for position in the debates. 几位候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑,争占上风。The candidates will receive equal time to answer questions during the debate.候选人在辩论中将有同样长的时间来回答问题。Everyone hates losing an argument.谁都不愿意在辩论中输掉。Experts pore over the President's debate performances.专家们关注总统在辩论中的表现。He showed surprising agility in debate.在辩论中显示出惊人的机敏。He held his own in the debate.在辩论中表现毫不逊色。He sided with his brother in the argument.在辩论中站在他兄弟这边。He came off badly/poorly in the debate.在辩论中表现不佳。The candidates exchanged barbs during the debate.候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑。The candidates exchanged barbed comments during the debate.候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑。She held her ground in the debate.在辩论中坚持自己的立场。He can score them off in the debate.他能够在辩论中驳倒他们。You will have ample opportunity to express your opinions during the debate.在辩论中,你有充分的机会表达自己的看法。The invectives you used during the debate were totally unnecessary.在辩论中所使用的谩骂是完全不需要的。She sided with her friend in the argument.在辩论中,支持她朋友的观点。He remained neutral during the debate.在辩论中保持中立。The outcome of the election hinges on how the candidates perform in the debate.选举结果取决于候选人在辩论中的表现。She chalked one up on her opponent during the debate.在辩论中占了对手的上风。He talked at his opponent in the debate.在辩论中不指名地批评对手。Joe was bested in the debate.在辩论中输了。I couldn't get my point across in the debate.在辩论中我无法清楚地表明自己的观点。Tempers flared during the debates.在辩论中突然发起脾气。Jim always sides with John in an argument.在辩论中吉姆总是站在约翰一边。Sarcasm can become a sledgehammer in a debate.讽刺挖苦在辩论中可以颇具威力。




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