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例句 The man's anguished voice echoed in her ears.那个男人极度痛苦的声音在她耳边回响Somewhere in the depths of the pine forest an identical sound reverberated.从松林深处传来一声回响We could just hear a faint echo.我们仅能听见一声微弱的回响The twitter of songbirds filled the air.各种鸣禽吱吱啾啾的叫声回响在空中。A burst of gunfire echoed across the square.一阵枪炮声在广场上回响A loud crack echoed off the empty walls.巨大的爆裂声在空荡荡的围墙间回响The organ resounded throughout the church.风琴声在教堂里回响The song has been running through my head all morning.这首歌在我的脑中反复回响了一上午。A roar of approval resounded through the parliament.赞同的呼喊声在议会回响The children were playing a game and their happy cries echoed through the house.孩子们在玩游戏,他们愉快的叫声在屋里回响The words of the doctor echoed in his ears.医生的话在他耳畔回响The great bell tolled with a deep boom.大钟嘡嘡地发出低沉的回响The gunshot echoed through the valley.炮声在山谷里回响Rock music boomed from speakers above the stage.舞台上方的扬声器里传来隆隆回响的摇滚乐声。Hague's Yorkshire monotone grated on the radio and television.黑格那约克郡特有的单调语调刺耳地回响在广播和电视中。The ring of his hammer echoed round the square.他的锤子的敲击声在广场上回响The old tune ran through his mind all day.这支古老的曲调一整天在他心中回响A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian parliament.一片赞成声在乌克兰议会中回响The words of the young woman doctor echoed in his ears.那位年轻女医生的话在他耳畔回响His voice echoed through the hall.他的声音在大厅里回响He closed his ears to the echo of their mocking laughter.他塞住耳朵不愿听到他们嘲笑声的回响His laughter resonated among the hollow rocks.他的笑声在空山间回响The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs.十来只狗的叫声在走廊里回响Loud cheers rang through the air.响亮的欢呼声在空中回响Gunfire still echoed through the ruins of the city.炮火仍在城市的断垣残壁间回响My husband's last words are still ringing in my ears.丈夫的临终遗言还在我耳边回响The music echoed through the church.音乐在整个教堂回响She shivered as the sound of that man's abuse rang in her ears.她耳边回响起那个男人的辱骂气得浑身发抖。Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door.贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响Their brassy, exaggerated laughter still rang in his ears.他们刺耳夸张的笑声依然在他耳边回响The reverberations could be heard for miles.阵阵回响几英里外都能听见。A loud knocking on the door suddenly reverberated around the flat.公寓里突然回响起重重的敲门声。She heard footfalls echoing in the hall.她听到脚步声在大厅里回响The voices buzzing all around echoed in her ears.周围嗡嗡的说话声一直在她耳边回响The deep boom of a foghorn echoed across the bay.雾角低沉的声音在海湾回响I heard footsteps echoing down the corridor.我听到脚步声在走廊里回响The thunder reechoed through the valley.雷声在山谷中反复回响She entered cautiously, the teacher's warning ringing in her ears.她小心翼翼地走进来,老师的警告在她耳边反复回响The last reverberations of the thunder were just dying down.雷声最后的回响正在渐渐消逝。Their mocking laughter followed me out of the room, and echoed down the hall.我走出房间,他们嘲讽的笑声还一直在后面跟着我,在走廊中回响




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