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词汇 回到过去
例句 He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.他说他反对回到过去的独裁做法。I wish I could go back to my school days.我希望能回到过去的学生时代。The goal is to return as closely as possible to the status quo ante.目标是尽可能地回到过去的状态。In a dream you can be transported back in time.在梦里你可以回到过去In a dream you can be transported back in time…在梦里你可以回到过去It's no use having regrets. You can't go back!后悔没有用。你无法回到过去She is still hankering after a return to the good old days. = She is still hankering to return to the good old days.她仍然渴望回到过去的美好时光。If only I could travel back in time and do things differently.要是我可以回到过去换一种方式处理这些事情该有多好!In some ways we wish we could turn the clock back.在某些方面,我们希望可以回到过去




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