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词汇 克服
例句 He had to fight down the impulse to sneak out.他不得不克服自己想偷偷溜走的冲动。You need to get over your fear of being lied to.你要克服害怕被欺骗的恐惧感。There are lots of bureaucratic hurdles to deal with when adopting a child.要收养儿童,必须克服许多官僚体制上的难关。She has overcome her disability to become an artist.克服身体缺陷,成了一名艺术家。We must find a way around these difficulties.我们必须想办法克服这些困难。We had to jump through hoops to get my Dad admitted to hospital.我们必须克服种种障碍才让医院收下我父亲。The forces for change are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.变革的力量不足以克服官僚主义惰性。It has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses.我一生都在为克服那些缺点而努力。He overcame his fear of heights and climbed the ladder.克服恐高症,登上了梯子。We believe that for the moment the difficulty is tided over.我们相信困难暂时被克服了。It took time to overcome my scruples.我花了一些时间才克服了自己的顾虑。Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服He was determined to overcome all obstacles in his way.他决心克服阻挡他的一切障碍。He has overcome his difficulties with courage and determination.他的勇敢和决心帮他克服了困难。They must overcome a number of obstacles before the restaurant can be opened.他们必须克服一些障碍,饭店才能开业。The plan was designed to help women and minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace.这一计划旨在帮助女性和少数群体克服在工作场所受到的歧视。The opportunity to perform a favourite song soon enabled him to overcome his uncertainties.因为有机会演唱最喜爱的歌曲,他很快克服了自己的忐忑心理。They fought against great/heavy/impossible/overwhelming odds and won.他们克服重重困难取得了胜利。Finding enough money for the project was the first hurdle.首先需要克服的困难是为该项目筹措足够的资金。Some hearing-impaired children may work harder to overcome their handicap.一些有听障的儿童可能需要花更大的力气来克服这一缺陷。The discussion sessions help patients deal with some of the frustrations they may be feeling.讨论会有助于帮助患者克服他们可能会产生的一些沮丧情绪。We need to face up to our fears.我们需要克服心中的恐惧。You have passed the first hurdle and the world is your oyster.你已克服了第一个障碍,你可随心所欲了。She managed to overcome her shyness, and stepped forward to introduce herself.克服了自己的腼腆,走上前介绍自己。A course in assertiveness could help her overcome her shyness.修一门建立自信心的课能帮助她克服腼腆。He made determined efforts to overcome the scandal.他作出了坚持不懈的努力去克服丑闻造成的不良影响。She had to overcome a lot of obstacles to finally make it to drama college.克服了许多障碍,最后终于考入戏剧学院。I want you to overcome your fastidiousness.我要你克服你的爱挑剔的毛病。We must work through the difficulties until we find an answer.我们必须克服种种困难找到解决办法。He overcame the obstacle of blindness and became a musician.克服失明的障碍而成为音乐家。It took guts and determination to overcome such a severe handicap.克服如此严重的残疾需要勇气和决心。The film's director has skilfully overcome the difficulties of adaptation.那部电影的导演已巧妙地克服了改编的困难。We have to find ways of overcoming these drawbacks.我们必须找出克服这些弊端的方法。Risk-taking has long been a feature of the theatre company's productions, which have tackled many difficult issues.冒险精神长期以来一直是该剧团剧作的一个特色,这些剧作克服了许多难题。He had learned to master his fear of heights.他已学会克服自己的恐高症。Coping with ill health was a heavy load to bear.克服病痛是个难以承受的重担。People can be helped to overcome their aversion to snakes.可以帮助人们克服对蛇的厌恶情绪。She overcame her fear of heights and did a parachute jump for charity.克服畏高症,作了一次慈善跳伞。She got over her stage fright by the second act.到第二幕时她克服了怯场。He had to overcome many difficulties. 他得克服许多困难。




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