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词汇 克拉克
例句 I arranged to pick up Mr Clarke and take him to his accommodation.我已安排好去接克拉克先生,然后送他到他的住所去。Superman is Clark Kent's alter ego.超人是克拉克•肯特的另一个身份。I take my hat off to Mr Clarke for taking this action.我很钦佩克拉克先生的这一举动。Mr Clarke has shown himself to be resolutely opposed to compromise.克拉克先生已表示自己坚决反对妥协。Mrs Clark said it would be a sin to evict them just because they hadn't paid their rent.克拉克太太说单单因为没有交房租就把他们赶出去,那是不对的。For all his political greenness, Clark has been a quick study.克拉克尽管在政治上还很青涩,但是他学东西很快。With one wallop, Clark flattened him.克拉克只一记重拳就把他打翻在地。Clarke admitted his disappointment at the court's decision, but said he would fight on.克拉克承认他对法庭的判决感到失望,但是他说他会继续斗争下去。Clark's mother is nonchalant about her role in her son's latest work.克拉克的母亲对自己在儿子最新作品中的角色漠不关心。Clark shook hands with the pilot and walked aft to find his way off the ship.克拉克与舵手握手后向艉部走去,打算下船。Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark.赖恩这次坐飞机旅行后感到精疲力竭,他颤颤巍巍地走出来寻找克拉克After the accident, Clarke had to give up his dream of becoming a racing driver.事故发生后,克拉克不得不放弃当赛车手的梦想。Clarke kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.克拉克不断把价格向上抬,而威尔金森则不断往下压。A neat move between Black and Kerr left Clark in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post.克拉克凭借一次漂亮的跑位在布莱克和克尔之间扯出了空当儿,但是他的射门却大大偏出了远门柱。Dr Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.克拉克医生每周二上午门诊。The responsibility lies with Harris and, to a lesser extent, Clarke.责任在哈里斯和克拉克,后者的责任较小。Clark thrust a paper sack across the counter and demanded money.克拉克把一只纸袋塞到柜台那一边,要求装钱。Dr Clark tabled a motion for debate at next month's committee meeting.克拉克博士提出一项动议,在次月的委员会会议上讨论。Clark had become more extreme in his opinions.克拉克的观点变得更为极端。Mr Clarke has shown himself to be opposed to compromise.克拉克先生已经表明自己不会妥协。With one brutal wallop, Clarke flattened him.克拉克毫不留情地一拳把他打翻在地。She introduced me to Sir Tobias and Lady Clarke.她把我引见给了托拜厄斯爵士和克拉克夫人。Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.当戴德利对他表示支持时,斯塔福德-克拉克毫不迟疑地再次申请了这份工作。Clark says the poltergeist scatters pots and pans over the kitchen floor, opens locked doors and frightens the family dog.克拉克说吵闹鬼会把锅碗瓢盆乱扔在厨房的地板上,会把上了锁的门打开,还会惊吓家里的狗。Out in front, Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising.克拉克远远地开在前面,已保持了一段足够长的安全距离,于是放慢了速度,开始巡航。Ms Clark is still in position and there are no plans to move her.克拉克女士仍然在位,没有要调动她的计划。The colonel said that Mr. Clark could be his aide-de camp.上校说克拉克先生可以做他的副官。Mr. Clark winked at the rude child making grimaces.克拉克先生假装没有看见那个野孩子做鬼脸。Clark had somehow been able to coerce Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do.不知是用什么办法,克拉克总能让珍妮对他言听计从。Milan was Mr Craxi's home town and his power base.米兰既是克拉克西先生的家乡,也是他的大本营。Mr. Clark underwent five hours of emergency surgery.克拉克先生接受了五个小时的急救外科手术。Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.戴德利表示支持后,斯塔福德–克拉克毫不迟疑地再次申请了这份工作。Clarke was detailed to follow him.克拉克被派去跟随他。Clarke considered how he would use his knowledge about Macy.克拉克琢磨怎样才能利用他对梅西的了解。Clark likes to talk big.克拉克爱说大话。Clark's lawyers were well prepared and confident.克拉克的律师准备充分、充满自信。Clark's vigorous campaign against the dumping of nuclear waste will continue.克拉克坚决反对倾倒核废料的运动将继续进行。Clarke also offered an olive branch to critics in his party.克拉克还向党内的批评人士伸出了橄榄枝。They are balancing careers and child care, a juggle made more difficult with Clark working away from home.他们正在事业和养育孩子之间寻找平衡,这件需要兼顾的事情由于克拉克在外地工作而变得难上加难。Mr Clarke had pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving.克拉克先生疏忽驾驶,致人死亡,已经认罪。




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