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词汇 careless
例句 She was bending over the bowl, careless of her hair.她俯身在碗上,没顾及自己的头发。He is very careless with his money; it is always a feast or a famine with him.他花钱很不注意,总是有钱时过得奢华,没钱时就饿肚子。He cursed himself for being so careless.他责骂自己太大意了。He cursed himself for having been so careless.他骂自己怎么那么不小心。He was careless and now he's counting the cost. = Now he's counting the cost of his carelessness.他过去粗心大意,现在尝到苦头了。Shakespeare is relaxed and careless in critical places.在关键地方,莎士比亚时有不严谨和不留心的败笔。Try not to be so careless in the future.以后千万不要这么粗心大意了。It was a careless mistake.这是一个疏忽造成的错误。His boss read him the riot act for making careless mistakes.他的老板严厉警告他别再犯粗心大意的错。One careless statement lost the election for her. = One careless statement lost her the election. 不经意的一席话让她输掉了选举。You say a few careless words to a neighbour and suddenly everyone knows about it.你随口对邻居说几句话,一会儿就传得谁都知道。It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the train.你真不当心,把伞忘在火车上。He's careless with his glasses and has lost three pairs.他用眼镜很马虎,已经丢掉三副了。The building had been finished in a very careless way, with loose wires and unpainted ceilings.这幢大楼造得很马虎,电线松松垮垮,天花板也没刷。His careless behavior poses a hazard to others. 他的疏忽行为会危害他人。Her careless spending led her into debt.她因胡乱花钱而负债。Such careless waste incensed her.这种满不在乎的浪费现象把她给激怒了。The student's essay was full of careless diction.这个学生的文章尽是措辞不当之处。He had been careless, and had done little to cover his tracks.他很粗心,没怎么隐匿自己的行踪。He rushed through his work and made a lot of careless mistakes.他匆匆赶完工作,犯了许多粗心的错误。They could not afford to spoil those maps by careless colouring.若是上色的时候不小心弄坏了那些地图,他们可承担不起。She's careless about her clothes.她对穿著一点都不讲究。Her careless remark put her husband in an embarrassing position.她说话不注意,把她丈夫弄得非常尴尬。Investigators are still not sure whether the damage was intentional or due to careless work.调查人员仍然不能肯定损失是故意造成的,还是不小心造成的。Her injury will teach her not to be so careless with a knife.这次受伤让她懂得用刀不能如此大意。They are apt to become a little careless if you don't watch them carefully.如果你不仔细盯着他们,他们就会开小差。He had shown himself careless of personal safety where the life of his colleagues might be at risk.当同事身处危险时他表现英勇,不顾个人安危。A careless camper accidentally started a fire in the woods.粗心的野营者意外地引起了一场林中大火。A careless error resulted in the loss of the game.一个粗心的失误导致了整场比赛的失败。She had been inexcusably careless.她太粗心大意了。I made a few careless mistakes.我犯了一些粗心的错误。He made a careless mistake.他犯了一个粗枝大叶的错误。Try not to be so careless next time!下次尽量别那么粗心了!The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.措辞不慎致使这份合同失效。Donald's essays are always interesting, if sometimes rather careless.唐纳德的文章总是很有趣,尽管有时候相当草率马虎。Boredom made him careless.无聊使得他疏忽大意。She's careless about her spelling.她不重视拼写。Of all the careless people no one is more so than John.在粗心人当中没有谁比约翰更粗心的了。It's not like her to be so careless.她通常是不会这么粗心的。She had begun to grow careless.她开始变得粗心了。




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