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词汇 承受着
例句 We are under a certain amount of pressure.我们承受着一定的压力。Doctors are being pressured by the insurance companies.医生承受着来自保险公司的压力。There seems to be a conspiracy of silence about anxiety, and you feel you are one of its victims.似乎大家一致对内心的焦虑秘而不宣,而你感觉自己也承受着这种情绪。Many a person straining under the burden of high interest rates in order to provide a shelter is being ripped off.许多为了供房而承受着高利率的压力的人都被狠狠敲了一笔。Most doctors and nurses work under stressful conditions.大多数医生和护士承受着很大的工作压力。She faces continual pressure from all sides.她一直承受着来自各方的压力。Reports have indicated that a growing number of medium-sized companies are under financial pressure.报告显示越来越多的中型企业承受着财务压力。Most doctors and nurses live under stressful conditions.大多数医生和护士都承受着很大的压力。There is pressure on the biggest union to join the boycott.最大的工会承受着参与抵制的压力。They're under incredible pressure at the moment.他们目前正承受着极大的压力。He was under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined.承受着被迫辞职的压力,很快就要被排挤出去了。They folded the business with great loss.他们承受着惨重的损失关闭企业。Their relationship has been under intense pressure recently.他们之间的关系最近一直承受着巨大的压力。There was a lot of tension on the wire before it snapped.绳子承受着很大的拉力,最后绷断了。The deadline was getting closer and we were under continual pressure to reach our targets.最后期限不断逼近,为达到目标,我们承受着持续的压力。He's coming under pressure from moderates in the party.他正承受着来自党内温和派的压力。The buttresses are subjected to constant stress.这些扶壁承受着恒定的压力。She bore her long illness with great fortitude.她以超乎寻常的坚忍承受着长期的病痛。The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家承受着巨大的外债负担。They are under pressure to negate their femaleness.她们承受着否认自己女性身份的压力。There's a lot of pressure on the soldiers preparing for battle.准备奔赴战场的士兵承受着很大的压力。She bore the scars of an unhappy childhood.承受着不幸童年所造成的创伤。For Jane there is some light at the end of the tunnel, but many anorexia sufferers continue to suffer in silence.对于简来说,她已经看到了曙光,然而仍有许多厌食症患者在继续默默地承受着痛苦。Many workers experience a high level of stress in their daily life.许多工人在日常生活中都承受着极大的压力。He had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway.承受着被迫辞职的压力,不管怎样很快就会被扫地出门的。The producer was under pressure to maintain a diversity in his output.生产商承受着保持产品多元化的压力。I was in excruciating pain.承受着剧痛。The Aussie was in agony with a broken finger.这个澳大利亚人承受着断指之痛。He has been under a lot of pressure/stress at work lately.他最近一直承受着巨大的工作压力。Its government is under pressure from the European Commission.其政府承受着来自欧盟委员会的压力。The school is coming under pressure to change its policies.学校正承受着改变政策的压力。




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