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词汇 承担责任
例句 Those responsible for the error suddenly found themselves under the gun.为此错误承担责任的那些人突然发现他们处于巨大压力之下。Somebody had to take the blame, but why me?有人得承担责任,但为什么是我呢?It seems that no one is willing to accept responsibility for what happened.似乎没有人愿意为所发生的事承担责任Few are prepared to include themselves in the apportionment of blame if other targets can be found.如果能找到其他人抗下罪过,没有人愿意承认自己应承担责任We cannot accept liability if you are refused entry because of invalid documents.如果你因证件无效被拒入内,我们不承担责任As usual, I was left to carry the can.像往常一样,就剩下我来承担责任He had to take the blame for everything.他必须对一切问题承担责任I'm blowing the gaff. I'm not taking the blame for them.我要说出秘密。我不想代他们承担责任She won't acknowledge responsibility for her actions.她不会对自己的行为承担责任She denied responsibility for the error.她拒绝为那个错误承担责任It's your decision - you can't hold me responsible if it goes wrong.是你作的决定,出了差错你不能让我来承担责任It's easy to blame the public for being gullible enough to buy dieting products, but it's the companies who sell them who should take responsibility.批评公众容易上当去买减肥产品简单,但恰恰是出售这些产品的公司应当承担责任He made the error, but she was left to carry the can.他犯了错,却留她来承担责任Someone had to take responsibility for the mistake.总得有人对错误承担责任He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes.他得为他父亲的过错承担责任It's time for him to grow up and start accepting his responsibilities.现在他该懂事了,要开始承担责任了。I will assume responsibility for any mistakes.我会为一切错误承担责任As chairman I was left to carry the can for a decision that made no sense and was not of my doing.身为主席,我被迫为一个莫名其妙并且不是我作的决定承担责任The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake.银行拒绝对这一错误承担责任The coach took the blame for his team's loss.那位教练为球队落败承担责任The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长要找替罪羊为贪污丑闻承担责任It is pointless to argue about who is more to blame.争论谁更应承担责任没有意义。He insists that he is not responsible for all the crimes that have been imputed to him. 他坚持认为他不应该为所有归罪于他的罪行承担责任He was clearly responsible for the deaths and must be punished.很明显,断送了几条人命,他要承担责任,必须受到惩罚。Parents should bear responsibility for their children's bad conduct.父母应对子女的不良品行承担责任The government must carry the blame for this terrible tragedy.政府必须为这场可怕的悲剧承担责任He denied all responsibility for the rumours which have been circulating.他对四处传播的谣言拒绝承担责任He was only too pleased to let someone else stick their neck out and take responsibility.他就喜欢让别人出头承担责任I accept no responsibility for these incidents.我不对这些事件承担责任He is responsible for placing innocent lives in jeopardy.他要为使那些无辜的生命受到威胁而承担责任I don't want to get involved in some lengthy argument about who is to blame.我不想卷入谁该承担责任的冗长争论。The company cannot be held responsible in cases of bad weather or other acts of God.如果出现恶劣天气或其他不可抗力,公司将不承担责任I think we lack a citizenry that is adequately willing to take responsibility.我觉得我们缺乏非常愿意承担责任的公民。There was some wrangling between creditors about who was to blame.债主们就谁该承担责任争论了好一阵。Everybody refused to take the blame for the mistake.没有人肯为这个错误承担责任The board disavowed the action of the executive.董事会拒绝对总经理的行动承担责任He disavowed the actions of his subordinates.他拒绝对部下的行为承担责任Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease.如果房客将房子转租,他们仍承担责任She has always subscribed to the view that children should be given responsibility from an early age.她一向都赞同这个观点,认为应该让孩子从小就承担责任




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