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Many of the audience walked out through sheer boredom.许多观众因为无聊透顶而退场。Make your exit through the door at the back of the stage.请从舞台后面的门退场。We left before the final credits began to roll.片尾演职人员名单还未出现我们就退场了。Our key player has been sidelined because of injury, so I want everybody to step up.我们的主将受伤退场了,所以我要每一个人更拼。Her exit seemed suitably dramatic.她的退场很富戏剧性,但似乎又是在情理之中。The applause went on for ten minutes after the actors left the stage.演员退场后,掌声持续了十分钟。Exit stage left.从舞台左面退场。The actor exited stage right.演员从舞台右侧退场。One of the players had been injured, and had to leave the field.一名球员受伤,只得退场。The series was ditched after the star of the show quit.在明星演员退场后观众就对这部系列片失去了兴趣。Mr. Mason walked out during the performance.梅森先生在演出时退场。The actor exited stage left.演员从舞台左侧退场。His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.昨晚,他的队伍灰溜溜地退场了。Then we made our grand exit.之后我们华丽退场。That last line is your cue to exit the stage.那最后一句台词是你的退场提示。I saw out the third act then left.我坚持看完了第三幕,然后退场了。The movie was so bad we walked out right in the middle of it.电影太难看,我们中途就退场了。I made what I hoped was a dignified exit.我以自己希望的不失尊严的方式退场。He used such strong language that some of the audience walked out.他说的脏话太难听了,有些观众都退场了。Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius.哈姆雷特扛着波洛尼厄斯的尸体退场。 |