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Climbers like the thrill that taking risks gives them.登山者喜欢冒险带来的刺激感。The sporting opportunities here should suit the most gung-ho of tourists.这里的野外运动机会应该能满足那些最喜欢冒险的旅游者的口味。He was a bit of a dodgy character.他是个有点喜欢冒险的人。He had a taste for adventure and the great outdoors.他喜欢冒险,喜欢大自然。Adolescents are more apt to take risks than adults are.青少年比成年人更喜欢冒险。She was a lively and adventurous girl - not one for a quiet life.她是个充满活力、喜欢冒险的女孩—是不会甘于过平静的生活的。He likes to live dangerously.他喜欢冒险的生活。He used to love adventure, but he has gone/gotten soft in his old age.他过去喜欢冒险,但老了就变胆小了。John is an adventurous man, unafraid of risks.约翰是个喜欢冒险的人,不怕危险。He sated her appetite for adventure and intrigue.他满足了她喜欢冒险和耍诡计的欲望。They have a taste for adventure.他们喜欢冒险。I'm not much of a risk-taker. 我不喜欢冒险。We are the adventurous ones and they are too proper.我们是喜欢冒险的人,而他们太循规蹈矩了。He likes to live on the edge.他喜欢冒险的生活。 |