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Old Dr Macintosh was a lovely man.老麦金托什博士是个讨人喜欢的人。Mr. McGuinty said that he is taking the high road in the election campaign, appealing to people's better instincts.麦金蒂先生称他在选举活动中一直保持高尚的道德情操,以感动人们的良知。The company had coped, Mackintosh told the minister, because it was thriftily managed and because it possessed a substantial endowment.麦金托什告诉部长,该公司之所以能够应对自如,是因为节俭管理,也因为其拥有足够的资助。McIntosh favoured her with a smile.麦金托什给了她一个微笑。The most famous exponent of this approach to art was probably Charles Rennie Mackintosh.这种艺术手法最著名的大师很可能是查尔斯·伦尼·麦金托什。 |