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词汇 麻烦事
例句 The bugs in the software were a nuisance.该软件中的这些漏洞是件麻烦事There's one further complication.还有一个麻烦事They found the daily trip an inconvenience.他们发觉每天往返是件麻烦事Mosquitoes are a problem in the summer.在夏季,蚊子是个麻烦事Managing your finances can be a real headache.为你理财真是件麻烦事Don't try to make me the villain. It's your own fault that you're having these problems.别想把我当成祸水,你遇到这些麻烦事是你自己的错。This is a lot of trouble, and expensive, and for the tourist nations self-defeating.这意味着大量的麻烦事和昂贵的费用,对旅游国来说不啻是自拆台脚。He took indecent pleasure in her troubles.他对她的麻烦事幸灾乐祸。She's had more than her fair share of trouble. 她遭遇的麻烦事太多了。Remember all that trouble we had with the police last year?你还记得去年我们跟警察闹出的那一堆麻烦事儿吗?The loss of the documents was a bloody nuisance.这些文件的遗失真是桩该死的麻烦事It's one o'clock, and it's such a bother to have to go home for lunch.一点钟了,还得回去吃中饭,真是件麻烦事儿。Filleting fish can be quite a fiddly job.剔鱼骨可是件麻烦事His wit made even troubles seem amusing.他的风趣甚至使麻烦事也变得似乎可乐起来。It would be quite a nuisance to write to everyone.给所有人都写信准是件麻烦事Parking is a major headache in this part of town.在镇里的这个地区停放车辆是件麻烦事They are hoping to leave their recent troubles behind.他们希望忘掉前不久的那些麻烦事Many talented people now feel that a career in politics isn't worth all the aggravation.许多有才干的人现在觉得从政麻烦事太多,不值得考虑。Please try to stay out of trouble.请尽量不要插手麻烦事I don't want any more of that heavy stuff.我再也不想碰那种麻烦事了。It was a real hassle to apply for the insurance money.申请保险金实在是一件麻烦事Cleaning out the shed is a real chore.清扫牲口棚真是件麻烦事It took ages to put together the documentation needed to get into the country - what a business!花了好长时间才将入境所需的文件整理好——真是件麻烦事Trying to make the children eat is one big headache.设法使孩子们吃饭是一大麻烦事I am not sure if we eventually stumped up enough cash to get out of the trouble.我不能肯定为摆脱这件麻烦事我们出的钱是不是总算够了。I give trouble a wide berth, I certainly don't go running after it.我碰见麻烦事都是绕道走,当然也不会自找麻烦。Going to the police is a bother.找警察是件麻烦事He really needs something to do in his spare time to keep him out of trouble.空闲时他确实要有些事做以免闹出麻烦事Keeping the house clean is a never-ending chore.保持房间干净是永无休止的麻烦事She mentioned some trouble that she'd had at home and I guessed she was alluding to her son.她提到家中有些麻烦事儿,我猜她是指她的儿子。This business about housework has to be resolved.家务劳动这件麻烦事得解决。All this paperwork is a hassle.所有这些文书工作都是麻烦事Parents can get wrapped up in their own troubles, and not notice how it's affecting their children.做父母的可能陷入自己的麻烦事之中,没有注意到这对子女的影响。




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