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词汇 商机
例句 Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe.对于当地公司来说,现在是时候去欧洲寻求商机了。The law already denies entry to people in search of better economic opportunities.法律已经将那些逐寻更好商机的人们拒之门外。If we're too cautious, we might lose a good business opportunity.如果我们过于谨慎就会错失商机American investment bankers are still plugging away, looking for business in developing countries like Thailand, Indonesia, or Malaysia.美国的投资银行家仍在努力,在泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚等发展中国家寻求商机Officials know that fixing up the area will bring in more visitors, and eventually new businesses.官员们知道,这个地区要是加以修整改造,可以吸引来更多的游客,并最终带来新的商机She realized that cosmetics made from natural products had great commercial potential.她意识到用天然材料做的化妆品有很大的商机He saw a niche in the market and exploited it.他看到了市场上的一个商机就加以利用了。American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.美国公司急着在越南寻找商机Western suppliers too are competing avidly for business abroad.西方国家的供应商也在疯狂抢夺国外商机I think we have found a niche in the toy market.我想我们已经在玩具市场找到了一个商机He acts as a middleman for British companies seeking contracts in the Gulf.他给在海湾地区寻找商机的英国公司当中间人。Where other people saw junk, she saw dollar signs. 别人只能看到一堆废品,她却看到了商机He ranged the country seeking out deals.他在全国各地走动,寻找商机Everyone spends more at Christmas - it's an important time for business.圣诞节的时候大家都会花更多的钱—这是一个重要的商机We're always on the lookout for new business opportunities.我们一直在留意,等待新的商机You make your own luck in business.商机是自己创造出来的。New technology has spawned new business opportunities.新技术创造了大量新的商机They're still trying to find their niche in the market/industry.他们依旧在这个市场/行业寻找商机This product fills a niche in the market. = This product fills a market niche. 这个产品契合了市场商机




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