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词汇 唱歌
例句 She is very talented but has nothing on her brother who is an even better singer.唱歌很有天赋,但和唱得更好的哥哥比起来就没有任何优势了。I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall.我在浴室里唱歌,我父母快受不了了。We sang songs around a pretend campfire.我们围在假想的营火旁唱歌He was singing along with the car radio.他在跟着车载无线电唱歌I just didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't like her singing. 我不敢告诉她我不喜欢她唱歌I hear Frank's taken up singing again.我听说弗兰克又干起唱歌这个行当了。The voices of the young boys singing in church were high and pure.在教堂唱歌的那些小男孩们嗓音响亮而纯正。If he can play the guitar half as well as he can sing, he should have quite a career. 如果他弹吉他能有他唱歌的一半好,他就很成功了。She rarely if ever sings anymore.她很少再唱歌了。Shall I sing to you?唱歌给你听好吗?She is singing in the chorus.她在合唱团唱歌Don't mind Tom; he likes to sing in the mornings!别理睬汤姆。他喜欢早上唱歌We sang songs to keep our spirits up.我们唱歌以保持情绪高涨。She gives singing lessons.她教唱歌课。Harry tried to relieve the boredom by singing and whistling.哈里靠唱歌和吹口哨来解闷。I can still hear my mother even now, singing away in the kitchen.即使现在,我仍能清楚地记得母亲在厨房里开心地唱歌的声音。Singing in the bath gives him a little harmless pleasure.边洗澡边唱歌对他来说是一份无伤大雅的小乐趣。We spent a riotous night drinking and singing.我们边饮酒边唱歌,过了一个热闹的夜晚。She sat in a corner, singing softly to her baby.她坐在角落里,轻轻地给宝宝唱歌I'm not that good at singing.唱歌不够好。He asked her why she didn't make use of her talent and give singing lessons.他问她为什么不利用自己的天赋教唱歌She has never learnt to sing in tune.她从未学会和著调子唱歌She loved singing as a child.她小时候喜欢唱歌He tried to keep his voice very quiet as he began slowly to sing to her.他压低声音开始慢慢唱歌给她听。I could hear someone singing downstairs.我听到有人在楼下唱歌We prevailed on her to sing.我们说服她唱歌He's got quite a low singing voice.唱歌的声音很低沉。She can sing, dance, and act.她会唱歌、跳舞和表演。Luckily, I was spared the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone.幸运的是,我躲过了在大家面前唱歌的尴尬。To pass the time they sang songs and played cards.他们靠唱歌、打牌来打发时间。He always has a nasal twang when he sings.唱歌的时候总带着鼻音。I walked out on the stage and started to sing.我走出去,走到舞台上,开始唱歌She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings.她主要是跳舞,但也唱歌He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly around the house.他有个恼人的习惯,老在屋子里不成调地唱歌Malcolm likes singing in the bath.马尔科姆喜欢在浴室里唱歌She waited for the noise to die down before she started singing.她等吵闹声变小才开始唱歌Singing can create a sense of wellbeing.唱歌能够给人一种心旷神怡的感觉。Other than at football matches, people sing less than they used to.除了在足球场上,人们唱歌不如以前多了。Singing is a real upper. It makes me feel dizzy and energetic.唱歌真叫人来劲儿。一唱歌,我感到晕乎乎却又浑身是劲。His singing was perfectly on pitch.唱歌音调很准。




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