例句 |
People were asked about their top choices for meeting locations.人们被问到他们会首选哪些地方作为会议地点。The police know where the thieves hang out.警察知道那些小偷常出没于哪些地方。She looked at the room with an analytical eye and saw where the changes were made.她挑剔地打量着房间,看看哪些地方有了变化。What didn't you like about the play?这部剧哪些地方你不喜欢?In what ways do British and Australian culture differ?英国和澳大利亚的文化有哪些地方不同?She made some useful suggestions about places we could visit.对于有哪些地方我们可以游览,她提了几个很有用的建议。 |