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例句 This car has four-wheel independent suspension. 这辆轿车配有四轮独立悬挂系统。Some TVRs have power steering and conveniences such as central locking and powered windows.一些特雷沃车型配有动力转向系统以及中央锁和电动窗之类的便利装置。My car has an adjustable steering column.我的车配有可调节的转向柱。The bag comes with a removable shoulder strap.这只包配有可拆卸的肩带。Most items are illustrated by a photograph.多数物件都配有一张示例照片。Eleanor moved into a small furnished apartment.埃莉诺搬进了一间配有家具的小公寓里。The caravan is equipped with a sink and a flush toilet.房车配有一个洗涤池和一个抽水马桶。Caroline had a chauffeured car waiting to take her to London.卡罗琳有辆配有司机的轿车,随时准备送她去伦敦。The apartment came with a microwave.这个公寓配有微波炉。Every bed has facilities for oxygen masks and for administering blood transfusions.每个床位都配有氧气面罩和输血装置。The kitchen has smart black tiling, work surfaces and cupboards.厨房里贴着漂亮的黑瓷砖,配有各种操作台和橱柜。A delicious sauce accompanied the grilled fish.这种烤鱼配有美味的酱汁。All rooms have private bathrooms.所有房间都配有专用卫生间。Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid.哈迪上校希望看到每辆坦克都配有电脑化辅助装置。There is an underground garage and secure lockup storage.配有一个地下车库以及可上锁的安全储藏间。Our new car has an onboard navigation system.我们的新车上配有车载导航系统。The original Japanese soundtrack is included with English subtitles.日文的原声带配有英文字幕。Each book is beautifully illustrated.每本书都配有精美的插图。The computer comes equipped with a CD burner.此款电脑配有光盘刻录机。Police in full riot gear attempted to clear the streets.配有全套防暴装备的警察试图清理街道。For the main course we had roast turkey with vegetables.我们吃的主菜是配有蔬菜的烤火鸡。A white cane sofa is sumptuously upholstered in gold taffeta and purple velvet.白藤沙发上配有金色塔夫绸和紫色天鹅绒制成的沙发垫,显得豪华而精致。It has a red filter to view prints on printing paper without fogging it.配有红色滤光镜用来查看相纸上的影像,不会引起灰雾。All our chalets have kitchen facilities.我们所有的度假小屋都配有厨房设施。The troops were supplied with weapons and ammunition.军队配有武器弹药。The students' rooms were compact, with a desk, bed, and closet built in.学生的房间很小巧,配有一张书桌、一张床和一个壁橱。His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor.他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者。The book is handsomely illustrated with ink drawings.这本书配有精美的墨水画插图。The sandwiches came with a salad garnish.这些三明治配有色拉饰菜。The ship is equipped with a satellite navigator.这艘船配有卫星导航仪。This car is fitted with radial tyres.这辆车配有子午线轮胎。The catalogue consists of reproductions of the paintings with accompanying text.目录册包括翻印的绘画作品并配有文字说明。Front-page stories broke the news of the star leaving, and accompanying photographs showed her getting on the plane.报纸头版爆出明星离开的消息,同时配有她登机而去的照片。The video game console comes with wireless controllers.这台视频游戏机配有无线电遥控器。They’re equipped with a strap that can be hooked on to your purse, backpack or belt for safe keeping.它们配有一条带子,可挂在钱包、背包或腰带上以备保管。The laptops are being sold with changeable covers.这些笔记本电脑在出售时配有可替换的外壳。Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.多数当地影院放映配有德语字幕的原版电影。This toy horse is accessorized.这个玩具马配有附件。The iron is fitted with a three-pin plug.熨斗配有三脚插头。There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。




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