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词汇 advocate
例句 She's a staunch advocate of free trade.她是自由贸易的坚定拥护者。She works as a consumer advocate.她是一名消费者权益维护者。They advocate peaceable, non-violent methods.他们主张和平的、非暴力的方法。It's a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants?这是个很容易激起公愤的话题。你怎么能够鼓吹贩卖象牙?He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality.他提倡普选权,认为这是社会公平的基础。An advocate for John could make a case for him on this score also.约翰的一位辩护律师在这方面也能提出有利于他的理由。Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.主张可以在医生协助下结束生命的人宣称,晚期病人不应当受罪。She is a strong advocate for child welfare.她是坚定的儿童福利倡导者。She is an advocate of women's rights.她是妇女权利的倡导者。He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.他是自由市场政策和多党派制度的坚决拥护者。She has always been an advocate of women's rights.她一向提倡妇女权益。Many educators advocate a liberal education.很多教育家提倡通才教育。His skills as an advocate were unrivalled.他作为辩护律师的技能是无与伦比的。Next time I'd advocate the direct approach.下次我会提倡用直接的方法。Betty Friedan was a forceful advocate of women's rights.贝蒂·弗里丹是一位极有说服力的妇女权益的倡导者。Teachers often play devil's advocate to provoke discussion in the classroom.老师经常故意唱反调激发课堂讨论。What are you, a nationalist, a black power advocate, or what?你是什么人? 民族主义者? 黑人权力倡导人? 还是别的什么? She was a strong advocate of women's suffrage.她是女性选举权的坚定倡导者。He was a strong advocate of a multi-party system.他是多党制的坚定拥护者。He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.他不是和平主义者,而是倡导武装中立。She is a staunch advocate of women's rights.她是坚定的女权倡导者。We advocate plain living.我们提倡俭朴的生活。She is an untiring advocate for the poor.作为一名律师,她一直孜孜不倦地为穷人辩护。I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs.我认为鼓吹毒品合法化是不负责任的行为。Some economists advocate deficit spending to boost a slumping economy.有些经济学家主张赤字开支以提振低迷的经济。Gandhi was a strong advocate of non-violent protest.甘地竭力倡导非暴力抗议。They advocate abolishing the income tax. = They advocate that the income tax should be abolished.他们赞成废除所得税。His appointment as an advocate depute provided him with valuable experience in criminal law.他被任命为副总检察长,这为他提供了刑法领域的宝贵经验。Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?.政府中有没有哪位高层人物支持采取不同政策?She has been an outspoken advocate/supporter of women's rights throughout her life.她一生都是女权运动的直言不讳的支持者。Sometimes I play devil's advocate for the sheer fun of arguing.有时我纯粹是为了享受争论的乐趣而故意唱反调。She has worked as an advocate for the mentally and physically challenged. 她一直作为残障人士的支持者而工作。She has been a tireless advocate for reform.她是不屈不挠的改革倡导者。Heart specialists strongly advocate low-cholesterol diets.心脏病专家大力提倡低胆固醇饮食。He was a fanatical advocate of rough manly sports.他是粗野男性运动的狂热鼓吹者。She ignored her advocate's advice and insisted on giving evidence herself.她不理睬出庭律师的建议,坚持自己作证。




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