例句 |
Why don't you and I go away this weekend?不如咱俩这个周末出去度假吧?Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long.就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。If you buy the next round we'll be straight.下一轮要是你买单的话,咱俩就扯平了。You did me a favor and I did you a favor, so let's call it even.你帮过我,我也帮过你,现在咱俩扯平了。How would you like to have dinner one night, just you and me?.哪天晚上一起吃饭怎么样?就咱俩。Let me walk with you—I'm going your way.咱俩一起走吧,我和你同路。 |