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词汇 a mile
例句 He fell down senseless, missing the bed by a mile.他在离床还很远的地方倒下了,不省人事。Traffic backed up for a mile.交通阻塞长达一英里。Our billets were about a mile out of town.我们的临时宿营地离城一英里远。The contradictions in Rae and Shaban's argument stick out a mile.瑞伊和莎班论点中的矛盾之处显而易见。The cheering could be heard half a mile away.半英里之外还可听到欢呼声。We ran flat out for about half a mile before we could throw them off.我们拼命地跑了大约半英里才把他们甩掉。He struggled forward for about half a mile.他艰难地向前走了约半英里。You can spot undercover cops a mile off.你一眼就可以认出便衣警察。The children's eagle eyes spotted an ice-cream seller half a mile away.孩子们的眼神好,如鹰一般敏锐,从半英里外就看到了冰激凌小贩。You can tell he's a detective a mile off.你一眼就可看出他是个侦探。It's about half a mile down the road.顺路走大约半英里就到了。It's a mile to the village.到村庄有一英里。The hospital's just up this road, about a mile past the school.医院就在这条路上,在学校约一英里外的地方。We had to backtrack about a mile.我们只得往回走了一英里左右。The road slopes gently downwards for a mile or two.这条路缓缓向下延伸了一两英里。The queue stretched for more than a mile.队伍延伸至一英里开外。The first salvo was more than half a mile wide of the target.第一次齐射远离目标半英里多。She was only a mile from the safety of her home when the accident occurred.事故发生时,她仅差一英里就平安到家了。To run a mile, you have to run four circuits of the track.跑一英里必须沿跑道跑四圈。The river at this point is half a mile wide.此处河宽为半英里。The ships are anchored about a mile offshore.轮船在距岸边约一英里处抛锚。He won the election by a mile. 他以压倒性优势赢得选举。I have seen him walking down to the shops a mile or so away.我看见他朝大约一英里以外的商店走去了。She's lying - you can tell it a mile off.她在撒谎——你一眼就能看出来。He tracked the deer for a mile.他跟踪了那头鹿一英里。My son hoofs a mile to school each day.我的儿子每天步行一英里去上学。All they could afford was a room in a second-rate hotel about a mile from the beach.他们只住得起离海滩约一英里远的一家二流旅店的房间。It sticks out a mile that she's in love with him.很明显,她爱上了他。You are charged so much a mile when renting a vehicle.租车的话,一英里要收这么多钱。The twin's resemblance stood/stuck out a mile. 这对双胞胎的相似处非常明显。A police car stayed on his tail for half a mile.一辆警车跟踪了他半英里。Gary stood out a mile in his purple hat.加里戴着紫色的帽子非常显眼。The book's ending is so predictable that you can see it coming a mile away/off.这本书的结局很好预测,还剩一大截就能看出来。He ran a mile, give or take a few yards.他跑了一英里,最多相差几码。She was talking a mile a minute. 她一直在说,语速飞快。He can't run a mile, much less complete a marathon.他连一英里都跑不到,更不用说跑一场马拉松了。You can see a mile off that they're from America.你一眼就能看出他们是从美国来的。In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。It was the best part of a mile to the farm.离农场有大半英里的路。The trail climbs for about a mile before it levels off.小路向上延伸约一英里后变得平坦。




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