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例句 We were pushed into battle unprepared.我们毫无准备即被推入战斗。She felt herself pushed into an unknown country, not by love, but by anger.她感到自己不是被爱情而是被愤怒推入了一个陌生之地。The police hustled the prisoner into the Black Maria.警察把犯人推入囚车。They propelled him into the room.他们把他推入房间。They thrust him into the back room and tied him up.他们将他推入后房并把他捆了起来。With a mighty heave, we pushed the boat into the water.我们猛一使劲,将船推入水中。They nosed the boat into the river.他们先把船头推入河中。Palmer putted the ball straight into the hole.帕尔默直接把球推入洞中。They worried the log into the river.他们把原木推入河中。The two men were hustled into a police van and driven away.两名男子被推入警车带走了。He was bundled into a car by the policemen.他被警察推入汽车。He had been bundled into the back of a Volkswagen by three masked men.他被三名蒙面男子迅速推入一辆大众汽车的后座。The success of his first movie suddenly projected him into an unfamiliar world of wealth and fame.他首部电影的成功把他一下子推入一个陌生的名利世界。Some workers are being pushed into higher tax brackets.一些工人正被推入更高的所得税等级。Pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy.把她推入河中似乎是个于人无害的恶作剧,可最终酿成了悲剧。




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