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词汇 吐露
例句 Often, children confide their problems to each other.孩子们常常互相吐露彼此的难题。Her modesty prevented her from making her real feelings known to him.她由于羞怯未曾向他吐露真情实意。She often confides in me.她经常向我吐露心声。She confided in him all her hopes and dreams.她向他吐露了她所有的希冀与梦想。Trish was silent because she was reluctant to put her thoughts into words.特里西一直不说话,因为她不愿意吐露内心的想法。He leaned closer to confide the rest of his story.他倾身靠近些,把剩下的事情全都吐露出来。It can be difficult to trust anyone with some of your innermost secrets.把自己内心最深处的秘密吐露给别人听是很困难的。They surprised the culprit into telling the truth.他们用出其不意的办法使罪犯吐露实情。Bitter past experience had made her careful of what she confided to Nadia.过去的痛苦经历使她向纳迪娅吐露心声时特别小心。He's not the kind of person to reveal his innermost secrets, even to his closest friends.他不是那种会吐露自己内心最深处秘密的人,甚至在最亲密的朋友面前也不会。It's revealing as letters are wont to be.正像书信往往被用来吐露真情实况那样,这封信同样如此。Sara confided to her journal.萨拉在日记中吐露心迹。I've never felt able to confide in my sister.我从来都觉得无法对姐姐吐露心中的秘密。The secret that the priest had confided to him was a stunning piece of news.神父吐露给他的秘密真是条惊天大新闻。He still couldn't understand the impulse that had made him confide in Cassandra.他仍然难以理解是什么样的冲动使他向卡桑德拉吐露了秘密。He tried to stop his ex-wife from talking on live TV.他试图阻止他的前妻上电视直播节目去吐露实情。Harriet confided in me that she and Mark were considering divorce.哈丽雅特向我吐露她跟马克正考虑离婚。The guilty heart outtells its inmost thoughts.负疚的心吐露心灵深处的想法。She shared her suspicions with no one but her diary.她没有向任何人吐露自己的猜疑,只写在日记中。He is very much a private man and confides in no one.他是个非常隐秘的人,从不向人吐露他的秘密。He confided to me that he felt he was being punished.他向我吐露说他觉得自己在遭受惩罚。




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