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词汇 后退
例句 Everyone back off and let the doctor through.每个人都后退让医生过去。He fell back in embarrassment when he saw that Ross had no hair at all.看见罗斯的光头,他尴尬地后退了几步。He took a step forward and she nervously backed away.他上前一步,她紧张地后退The quarterback made a quick three-step drop.四分卫迅速地从争球线后退了三步。Out of pure instinct, he moved back a little.纯粹出于本能反应,他后退了一点儿。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退I saw the knife and backed off.我看见那把刀,吓得连忙后退Susannah put down the paintbrush and stood back to admire her handiwork.苏珊娜放下画笔,后退几步,欣赏自己的画作。When she came towards me shouting, I retreated (behind my desk).她大叫着冲向我时,我就后退(到了桌子后面)。I shrank back into the darkest corner of the room, and prayed that the soldiers would not see me.后退躲进房间最阴暗的角落里,祈求这些士兵不会看到我。She backed away hurriedly.她匆忙后退The third wave was so strong it knocked me backwards.第三回浪太大,把我冲得连连后退A skilled fencer advances as his opponent retreats.一名娴熟的击剑手在对手后退时向前进攻。He suddenly reeled back against the wall.他突然后退到墙根。A rebate is distinguished from a discount in that the former is not taken out or deducted in advance but is handed back after payment of the full amount.部分退款与折扣有别,区别在于前者并非先行扣除而是在全数付清后退还。Police forced back the growing crowd.警方采取强制措施让越聚越多的人群后退I gasped and took an involuntary step back.我倒吸一口冷气,不由自主地后退了一步。She took a hesitant step back from the door.她到了门口,又犹犹豫豫地后退了一步。She saw that he had a gun and backed away.她看见他有枪,吓得连忙后退The quarterback dropped back and threw a long pass down the field.四分卫后退,将球长传过场地。When the fan goes around it forces the warm air back down.风扇旋转起来时使得热空气后退了。Light the blue touchpaper, then move to a safe distance.点燃蓝色的导火纸,然后退到安全距离之外。There was a gain of five yards on first down, but a loss of three yards on second down.第一次进攻向前推进了五码,但第二次却后退了三码。The children shrank back from him in revulsion.孩子们厌恶地从他面前后退The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.设计师后退了几步以欣赏自己的手工作品。He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.他用步枪瞄准,射出一枚子弹,然后退出空弹壳。He stepped back onside.后退没有越位。The ship went full speed astern.这条船全速后退Scott fell back a pace in astonishment.斯科特吃惊地后退了一步。She retired from the sport after suffering a series of humiliating defeats.她遭受一连串丢人的失败之后退出了体坛。I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back.我小心翼翼地后退,直到感觉后背碰到了墙壁。I stepped back to let them pass.我朝后退了一步让他们过去。My instinctive reaction was to take a couple of rapid steps backward.我第一本能的反应是急速后退几步。A policeman roared at the crowd to stand back and made a gap for the ambulance.一名警察大声叫人群后退,为救护车让道。Police used tear gas to push back the crowds.警察使用催泪瓦斯使人群后退She dematerialized backwards into her office.她朝后退去,消失在办公室里。Save your work and then exit the program.先保存你的文件,然后退出程序。There are back and forward buttons for easier browser navigation.前进键和后退键的设置使得浏览器导航更加便捷。Helmeted, baton-wielding police forced back the crowd.戴着头盔、挥舞着警棍的警察强迫人群后退He drew back slightly, his hands knotted in her hair.他稍稍后退,手缠绕在她的头发中。




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