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词汇 双腿
例句 She likes to wear short skirts to show off her legs.她喜欢穿短裙以炫耀她的双腿When I woke up I had no feeling in my legs.我醒来时双腿毫无知觉。He was on his knees, searching for the missing spring.双腿跪在地上寻找丢失的弹簧。She wrapped her legs around a pillow.双腿夹着一个枕头。He suffered severe/serious burns on both his legs in the accident.他的双腿在事故中严重烧伤。He was on his stomach, his legs splayed apart.他趴着,双腿张开。She hugged her legs tight to her chest.她将双腿紧紧抱在胸前。Never force your legs to overstretch, or you can cause injuries.千万不要过度拉伸双腿,否则会受伤的。He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water.我和他坐在他的码头上,双腿在水中荡悠。She suffered lacerations on her legs.她的双腿肌肉撕裂。She sat on the edge of the counter, swinging her legs.她坐在柜台边上,晃着双腿She sat on the edge of the table, swinging her legs.她坐在桌边,晃动着双腿She sat with her legs drawn up on the sofa.她坐着,双腿翘在沙发上。First, straighten your legs, then flex your feet.首先,伸直双腿,接着活动双脚。His legs were squeezed together.双腿紧紧并拢。Her legs were so swollen she had to cover them up.她的双腿肿得很厉害,她只好把它们遮住。Straighten both legs until they are fully extended.挺直双腿直至完全伸展开。The ball rolled between the goalkeeper's legs.球在守门员的双腿之间穿过。I can feel the stretch in the back of my legs.我可以感觉到双腿后部肌肉的拉伸。The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle.那具尸体扭曲变形,双腿弯成奇怪的角度。Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。She uncrossed her legs.她放下了交叉着的双腿His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.他的双腿和他庞大身躯的其他部分相比瘦得可怜。I went slowly forward, on leaden legs.我拖着沉重的双腿,慢慢向前走去。Her legs got swollen from standing up all day.因为整天站着,她的双腿已经肿了。A stroke left her mute and unable to use her legs.一次中风使她失去了说话的能力和双腿的活动能力。He made his way down the aircraft steps unaided but moved shakily as he did so.他独自一人走下了飞机梯级,双腿颤巍巍的。He lost both his legs in an explosion and was discharged from the navy.他在一次爆炸中失去双腿,便从海军退役。Her legs were partly paralysed in the crash.在撞车事故中她的双腿部分瘫痪。He sat in his chair and his legs propped on a small stool.他坐在椅子里,双腿搁在一张小凳上。Dad pushed off and jumped into the rowboat.爸爸双腿一蹬,跳进了划艇里。He made to rise but found his legs were not strong enough to support him.他试图站起来却发现双腿无力支撑身体。Her legs were/felt rubbery when she stepped off the roller coaster.从过山车上下来后,她的双腿软弱无力。He put his back against the car, braced his legs and pushed.他用背顶着汽车,绷紧双腿,然后推了起来。The accident left him with paralysis of the legs.事故使他双腿瘫痪。He could walk with braces on his legs.他可以借助双腿上安的支架来走路。The old boxing champion's legs were no longer so limber.那位老拳击冠军的双腿已经不再那么灵活了。The pain spread diffusely through his legs.疼痛扩散,遍及他的双腿He has cuts all over his legs.他的双腿到处是伤口。His legs were excoriated by the prickles.他的双腿被尖刺擦破。




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