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词汇 后裔
例句 He claims that he is descended from a royal line.他声称自己是皇室后裔She is the descendant of a noble race.她是贵族后裔The Anglo-Indians of her stories are the descendants of mixed marriages.她故事中的英印混血儿是异族通婚的后裔He comes from Irish stock.他是爱尔兰后裔He is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria.他是维多利亚女王的嫡系后裔She always claimed her family was descended from the ancient Kings of Egypt.她一直声称她们家族是古埃及王室的后裔He cannot deliver the Latino vote.他无法得到拉美人后裔的选票。Her mother's family are descended from the Grant clan.她母亲家是格兰特家族的后裔Recent evidence supports the theory that birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs.近期的证据为鸟类是恐龙的现代后裔这一理论提供了支持。The sons of Confucius are scattered in many parts of China.孔子的后裔散居在中国许多地方。They claim to be descended from a noble British family.他们声称是一个英国贵族家庭的后裔He is descended from Confucius.他是孔子的后裔The people here are descended from the Vikings.这里的人是维京人的后裔She claims to be a descendent of Charles Dickens.她自称是查尔斯·狄更斯的后裔He descended from Jewish stock.他是犹太人的后裔The descendants lost the grandeur of those who first settled on the land.最初在这片土地定居者的后裔丧失了先辈的高贵品质。In South America, the upper classes tend to be of European origin.在南美,上层阶级往往是欧洲人后裔His family descends from the first French immigrants.他这一家是第一批法国移民的后裔Many of the plantation owners were descended from American missionaries.许多种植园主都是美国传教士的后裔He belongs to an ancient house.他是一个古老家族的后裔She is descended from the Duke of Marlborough.她是马尔伯勒公爵的后裔The U.S. has a wide variety of ethnic groups made up of immigrants or their descendants.美国有许多由移民或其后裔组成的族群。Many people in this area are of German descent. 这个地区许多人都是德国后裔His family descends from the first English immigrants.他这一家是第一批英国移民的后裔The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.沿海地区居住着希腊殖民者的后裔She told us she was descended from some Scottish Lord.她告诉我们她是某苏格兰勋爵的后裔The Japanese are thought to be descended from tribes from the north of China.人们认为日本人是中国北方部落的后裔Paul claims to be a descendant of King Charles I.保罗自称是英王查理一世的后裔Many people in this area are descendants of German immigrants.这个地区许多人都是德国移民的后裔




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