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词汇 离家出走
例句 One of the runaways was her son.其中一个离家出走的人就是她儿子。In the end she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her mother.最后她离家出走,为的只是逃脱母亲专横的管制。Pam had never learned that there were men who preyed on young runaways.帕姆从来不知道有人专门坑骗离家出走的年轻人。Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.通常他接手的案子都涉及不忠的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。Some voluntary agencies help runaway children.一些志愿机构帮助离家出走的儿童。She really broke her mother's heart when she left home.离家出走真的伤了她母亲的心。The enticements of the big city lured her away from her home.大城市的种种诱惑吸引了她离家出走She claimed that her parents' behaviour had provoked her into leaving home.她声称父母的行为迫使她离家出走She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny.离家出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住。Family life had become unbearable for her - the arguments, the recriminations, the accusations - so she left.家庭生活越来越令她难以忍受—吵吵闹闹,互相指责,彼此埋怨一于是她离家出走了。She ran away to join the circus.离家出走加入了马戏团。He drew away from his family.离家出走了。Her mother's continual nagging drove her into running away from home.她母亲无休止的唠叨迫使她离家出走He ran away from home and lived rough on the streets until the police helped him get into a hostel.离家出走,露宿街头,直到警察把他送进一家收容所。Running away was an act of defiance against his parents.离家出走是他反抗父母的行为。We hear of women who run away, leaving behind their homes and families.我们听说有女人离家出走,扔下了家人不管。Richard and Laura exchanged conspiratorial glances, for all the world like two naughty children who had wandered away from home.理查德和劳拉交换了一下会意的眼神,就像两个离家出走的顽皮孩子。She left home after quarrelling with her parents.她与父母吵架之后离家出走了。They enticed a young girl away from home.他们诱骗了一个少女离家出走Ernest twice ran away from home.厄内斯特两次离家出走Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their partners.许多经历过父亲离家出走的女性潜意识里认为配偶会背叛自己。Eventually, unable to bear the constrictions of family life, he left home.最后他还是受不了家庭生活的束缚,离家出走了。She had run away from home several times in her teens.她十几岁的时候几次离家出走Mary was enraged to find that he had left home.玛丽万分气恼地发现他离家出走了。After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since.科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯。Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their own mates.许多经历过父亲离家出走的女性潜意识里认为配偶会背叛自己。This hostel helps runaways who don't want to go back to their families.这家收容所收容离家出走后不愿返家的孩子。Her endless nagging drove him away from home.她无休止的唠叨抱怨逼得他离家出走了。Thousands of children run away from home each year.每年有成千上万名儿童离家出走He ran away after his foster-mother accused him of stealing.养母说他偷东西,他就离家出走了。One day she will walk out, just as her own mother did.总有一天她会离家出走,就像她母亲那样。In a wayward mood, he ran away from home.他任性地离家出走了。One main idea possessed her; she must get away from home.她只有一个想法;她一定要离家出走These teenagers are likely to act out their distress by running away.这些青少年可能会用离家出走的方式来表达自己的郁闷。The house was a sanctuary for runaway teens.这所房子是离家出走少年的庇护所。




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