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There's a chance it could rain, but odds are that it'll be sunny tomorrow. 明天或许会下雨,但晴天的可能性更大。He entered election day in a strong position to win.他闯入大选日,获胜的可能性很大。It could rain tomorrow, but the odds are against it. 明天可能下雨,但不下的可能性更大。Their chances of survival are nil.他们生还的可能性为零。There didn't seem much likelihood of it happening.这种事情发生的可能性不大。Fair-skinned people who spend a great deal of time in the sun have the greatest risk of skin cancer.皮肤白皙的人如果长期暴露在太阳下,患皮肤癌的可能性最大。River Plate's win last night has considerably increased their chances of promotion this season.河床队昨晚的胜利大大增加了他们本赛季晋级的可能性。We've eliminated the possibility that someone started the fire deliberately.我们已经排除了有人故意纵火的可能性。Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.政治家们谴责媒体夸大了发生骚乱的可能性。The prospect of putting weapons in space is frightening to many people.把武器放入太空的可能性对许多人来讲都是可怕的。This book will open your mind to different possibilities.这本书会让你认识到各种可能性。We can't altogether/entirely exclude the possibility that the economy will soon improve.我们不能完全排除经济会很快复苏的可能性。It's very unlikely a doctor could give HIV to a patient.医生把艾滋病毒传染给病人的可能性极小。Staff have to calculate continuously the likelihood of danger.工作人员必须时刻估测危险发生的可能性。The possibilities were endless.有无数种可能性。The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.掉到火车下面而幸免于难的可能性几乎为零。His comments appear to premise the idea that the theory is possible.他的评论似乎是把该理论具有实施可能性作为前提。For these men the chances of getting another job are not very high.对于这些男子来说,找到另一份工作的可能性不是很大。It's very unlikely that they'll ask us back.他们回请我们的可能性非常小。The promise of permanent employment is almost nonexistent today.终身聘任的可能性在今天几乎是不存在的。The new pay agreement makes further industrial action by the union highly improbable.新的工资协议使工会采取进一步的抗议行动的可能性很小。The possibilities are infinite.可能性是极大的。The following month, David floated the possibility of launching a new TV company.第二个月,戴维提出成立一家新的电视公司的可能性。This possibility was hardly ever made use of.这种可能性几乎从未加以利用。Let your imagination take wing and explore the possibilities.放飞你的想象力,探索各种可能性。The odds against a plane crash are around a million to one.发生空难的可能性极小,大约为百万分之一。The decision bars the possibility of additional development in the area.这个决定排除了在该地区进一步开发的可能性。Given the unlikelihood of a tax increase, these programs will probably run out of funding next year.鉴于税收增加的可能性不大,明年这些计划的资金可能会耗尽。These probabilities can be evaluated empirically.这些可能性可以通过实验加以验证。The news could adversely affect her chances of becoming the next president.这条消息会对她当选下届总统的可能性产生不利影响。Thunderstorms are possible but not probable tonight.今晚或许会有雷雨,但可能性不太大。That now seems highly unlikely.现在看来那件事的可能性极小。Teenage brides are twice as likely to end up being divorced as women who marry later.十几岁的新娘比起晚些结婚的妇女来说,其离婚的可能性要大一倍。There seemed to be an infinite number of possibilities.似乎有着无限的可能性。Without proper testing, the potential for misdiagnosis is high.没有经过恰当的检查,误诊的可能性会很大。She may get the job, but it isn't likely.她或许能得到那份工作,但可能性不大。Her report has raised doubts about the likely success of this project.她的报告对做成这个项目的可能性提出了怀疑。We're looking into the possibility of merging the two departments.我们正在研究这两个部门合并的可能性。Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮的雏鸟。An override of the veto appears unlikely.看来推翻这项否决的可能性很小。 |