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词汇 酗酒问题
例句 Phillips openly admits to having an alcohol problem.菲利普斯公开承认有酗酒问题One out of every five people is a problem drinker.每五人中就有一个人有酗酒问题She had left him because of his drinking.她因为他的酗酒问题离开了他。The problem of alcoholism was, and still is, often underplayed.酗酒问题在过去常常被忽视,现在依然如此。People can find it hard to admit they have an alcohol problem.人们会发现承认自己存在酗酒问题很难。I told him I wasn't going to tolerate his drinking any longer.我告诉他说,我再也不愿忍受他的酗酒问题了。Eventually I turned to an organization that helps people with drug and alcohol problems.最后我向一家机构伸手求援,他们专为有吸毒和酗酒问题的人提供帮助。The organization tries to deal with the widespread problems of drug addiction and alcoholism.该团体试图解决涉及面很广的吸毒和酗酒问题Kevin had treatment on the understanding that he would attempt to overcome his drinking problem.凯文接受了治疗,但条件是他要努力克服自身的酗酒问题Ireland is facing an alcohol problem of epidemic proportions.爱尔兰正面临泛滥成灾的酗酒问题He went to see his doctor because he felt his drinking was getting out of hand.他去见了医生,因为觉得自己的酗酒问题有点失控。Hadley's drinking problem led co-workers to report him to the supervisor.哈德利的酗酒问题被同事向主管举报了。He conquered his drinking problem through sheer willpower.他用强大的意志力战胜了酗酒问题Have pity on him. He has alcoholic problems.可怜可怜他吧。他有酗酒问题No one up to then had adverted publicly to the fact that the leader had a serious drink problem.到那时为止,还没有人公开指出那个领导人有严重的酗酒问题She's battled alcoholism most of her life, but she's in recovery now.她大半生都在与酗酒问题做斗争,但现在已经戒酒了。John's problem with alcohol was licked.约翰的酗酒问题解决了。




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