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She cried out sharply.她突然大叫起来。Even the smallest movement made him cry out in pain.稍微动一动他都会痛得叫起来。He abandoned all restraint and yelled at the top of his lungs.他不管不顾地放声大叫起来。She could no longer contain her anger and started yelling at him.她再也无法抑制自己的愤怒,不由自主地冲他大叫起来。They were shouting/jumping for joy. 他们高兴地叫起来/跳起来。He cried out, out of pure terror.他极度惊恐,大叫起来。He flushed crimson and began to shout angrily at Frank.他脸涨得通红,然后生气地向弗兰克大叫起来。The boy crowed with delight.男孩高兴得叫起来。They shouted with delight.他们兴高采烈地叫起来。She tried to straighten her leg out, crying in pain.她试着把腿伸直,痛得大叫起来She could have screamed with tension.她紧张得差点叫起来。He shouted out in pain when the doctor moved his broken ankle.医生挪动他受伤的脚踝时,他疼得大叫起来。I was practically screaming with frustration.我懊恼得几乎要大叫起来。The ducks started quacking loudly when we threw them some bread.我们向那些鸭子扔面包时,它们呱呱地大叫起来。Hart cried out as his head struck rock.哈特的头撞到石头上,疼得他大叫起来。She totally lost her composure and began shouting.她彻底按捺不住,开始大叫起来。Chris fell, crying out in pain.克里斯摔下来,痛得大叫起来。She yelled in pain as she touched the hot iron.她碰到热熨斗,疼得大叫起来。Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly.外面的花园里突然有一只猫头鹰呜呜地叫起来。She exclaimed in astonishment at the size of the bill.她看到帐单上的数目吓得叫起来。Denise almost gasped aloud in astonishment.丹尼斯惊得差点儿大叫起来。Bread is still so scarce that it is received with whoops of joy.面包仍那样缺乏,以至人们得到时都会乐得高叫起来。He changed his name to something easier on the tongue.他改了个叫起来更顺口的名字。They exclaimed in horror at the price.他们看到这个价钱惊恐地大叫起来。He screamed in agony.他痛苦地大叫起来。He screamed as she dug her nails into his shoulders.她的指甲抠进他的肩膀时,他大叫起来。The farmer routed his sons out of bed early in the morning.这位农夫一清早就把几个儿子从床上叫起来。I could have shouted with joy.我差点儿高兴得叫起来。 |