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A man stopped me in the street and asked if I knew where the theatre was.街上有个人把我叫住,问我剧院在哪里。I stopped a woman and asked her for directions.我叫住一名妇女问路。I stopped a young guy and asked him the time .我叫住一个年轻小伙子问他几点了。She stopped a guard and enquired whether the train went to Evesham.她叫住了一个警卫,问他这火车是不是去伊夫舍姆。Maggie stopped the first person she saw and asked them the way to the hospital.玛吉叫住她看到的第一个人,问去医院的路怎么走。He waved down a taxi and quickly got inside.他扬手叫住一辆出租车,一头钻了进去。 He was questioned by soldiers at a frontier post.他在边防哨所被士兵叫住了问话。 |