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词汇 不允许
例句 Some religions do not allow cremation.有些宗教不允许火葬。There shall be no talking during the test.考试过程中不允许交谈。It is not permissible to make photocopies of these documents.这些文件不允许复印。Nobody at this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna.这个俱乐部不允许有人任性妄为。He is in no condition to leave hospital.他的身体情况还不允许他出院。I don't allow the cat in the bedroom.不允许猫进入卧室。There is still a ban on women priests in the Catholic Church.天主教会仍然不允许女性成为祭司。Some landowners refuse permission to use footpaths on their land.一些土地所有者不允许别人穿过他们土地上的小路。Church leaders permitted no dissent from church teachings.教会领袖不允许对教会的教义有不同意见。Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils.不允许教师打学生。He says that the government will set/establish a dangerous precedent if it refuses to allow the protesters to hold a rally.他说政府如果不允许抗议者举行集会,它将确立一个危险的判例。Oxford city centre is closed to all traffic bar buses and taxis.除了公共汽车和出租车外,牛津市中心不允许任何车辆进入。You're not going out tonight – I absolutely forbid it.你今天晚上不要出去,我绝对不允许No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary.这家商行不允许雇员提前支用薪金。The schedule allows us very little margin for error.这个安排几乎不允许我们出现什么差错。The emergency does not permit of finespun distinctions and long arguments.情况紧急,不允许再作过细的区分和长时间的争论。They stood four-square behind their chief, and they would not accept pressure on him to resign.他们坚决支持自己的领导,而且不允许任何压力迫使其辞职。Untrained nurses are not allowed to treat patients who are seriously ill.未受正规训练的护士不允许去照顾重病患者。Rupert's father belongs to some fusty old gentleman's club where they don't allow women in.鲁珀特的父亲是某个守旧的老年绅士俱乐部的会员,他们不允许女性加入。Company policy does not allow discrimination against women.公司规定不允许歧视女性。Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.以前不允许官员监督投票。Hannah refused to allow his stick-in-the-mud attitude to spoil her fun.汉娜不允许他的保守态度破坏自己的兴致。We weren't allowed to speak Gaelic at school.我们在学校不允许讲盖尔语。Religious groups are currently not allowed to advertise on television.目前不允许宗教团体在电视上做广告。As a punishment, she was not permitted to attend any school activities.作为惩罚,不允许她参加学校的任何活动。The regulations do not permit much flexibility.这些规章不允许有太大的灵活性。They don't allow smoking in this hotel.他们不允许在宾馆里抽烟。The school is not allowed to discriminate.学校不允许有歧视行为。The law does not allow minors to gamble.法律不允许未成年人赌博。He wants to return to his wife, but she won't have him back.他想回到妻子身旁,但她不允许他回来。I would go, but my health forbids.我想去,但我的健康状况不允许Each dress is hemmed and scrupulously checked for imperfections.每条连衣裙都缝上了褶边,并经过严格的检查,不允许有任何瑕疵。We'll have no more of that behavior! = We can't have that sort of behavior! = We can't have you behaving like that! = We can't be having you behave like that!我们不允许你那么做!Most countries do not permit unrestricted immigration.大部分国家都不允许不加限制的移民进入。I will not allow that kind of talk in my house.不允许家里有人那样说话。The children are not allowed to watch too much TV.不允许孩子们看太多电视。Smoking is definitely out among my friends.在我的朋友中,吸烟是绝对不允许的。You're not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying.示警红旗升起的时候不允许游泳。She wanted to be alone. They wouldn't have it.她想一个人呆着。他们不允许Bicycles are not allowed on the sidewalk.自行车不允许上人行道。




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