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The reason women are drinking is just because they like it.女人喝酒只是因为她们喜欢喝。Just because sibling rivalry is normal doesn't mean you should ignore it.只是因为兄弟姐妹间的较量常见并不等于说应该忽视这个现象。You shouldn't denigrate people just because they have different beliefs from you.你不要只是因为信仰不同而贬低他人。My teacher told me she passed me only because she knew I'd had a really hard year.老师告诉我说,她让我及格只是因为她知道我这一年学习很用功。We're not going on holiday this year, simply because we can't afford it.今年我们不去度假,只是因为我们没有钱。The thing is, Bonnie's only agreed to see you because she thinks you're kin to this Barney guy.其实,邦妮只是因为觉得你跟这位叫巴尼的家伙沾亲带故才同意见你的。She didn't get into movies just because her mother was a famous actress, but it must have helped.她进入电影圈并不只是因为她母亲是一位名演员,不过肯定也是有一定帮助的。I bought the flowers just because I felt like it.我买这些花只是因为我想买。Sometimes fruit trees will shed immature fruit simply because they are so heavily laden they can't carry them all.有时果树会掉下未成熟的果子,这只是因为挂果太多,不堪其负。He was incredibly aggressive - it was only his size that stopped me from hitting him.他非常咄咄逼人,只是因为他身材高大才使我没动手揍他。I once took off standing, just for a bet.有一次,我在飞机起飞时站立着,那只是因为与人打赌。He's only responding to nature's call.他只是因为憋得慌,上厕所去了。They abide by the rules only inasmuch as it suits them.他们只是因为这些规定适合他们而遵守之。He had only gone along out of concern for his two grandsons.他只是因为关心两个孙子才一起走的。Perhaps you simply lack the intelligence to realize just how serious this is?或许只是因为你缺乏智慧,才认识不到情况有多严重吧?He mocks art only because he doesn't understand it.他讥讽艺术,只是因为他不懂艺术。I couldn't tell if his refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.我不清楚他拒绝说话是否只是因为他的顽固不化。Some students lose marks simply because they don't read the question properly.有些学生丢分只是因为没有看清楚题目。Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter.暗物质不发光,它之所以能被发现,只是因为它对可见物质产生引力作用。In the Christian tradition, the world exists only as an act of divine favour.在基督教的传统观念中,世界之所以存在只是因为有神灵庇佑。Some students only come here because they want to have fun, not because they want to learn.有些学生来这里只是因为想玩,而不是想学习。If he gets off, it's because he has a smart lawyer.如果他逃脱惩罚,只是因为他有一位聪明的律师。 |