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词汇 另一侧
例句 They plumbed the water on the other side of the harbour.他们测量了海港另一侧的水深。Horrified commuters saw the lorry veer across the motorway and overturn.惊恐万分的通勤者们看见那辆卡车突然冲向高速公路另一侧,接着翻倒在地。Put one leg forward, and then lift the arm that is opposite to the forward leg. 一条腿向前,然后把另一侧的胳膊举起来。From the other side of the door came the scrape of a guard's boot.从门的另一侧传来了保安嚓嚓的马靴声。I shifted the bag to my other shoulder.我把包移到我的另一侧肩上。At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side.在山顶,我关上发动机,我们就沿着另一侧的山坡顺势滑行。The bridge lies beyond the docks.那座桥位于码头的另一侧The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side.那些人攀上一堵墙,然后顺着另一侧的脚手架爬了下去。She couldn't see round the corner of the wall.她无法看到墙角另一侧有什么。She sat on the counter and swung her legs over to the other side.她坐到柜台上,把腿跨到另一侧A small river cuts through the property with the house on one side and the gardens on the other.一条小河穿过这个庄园,小河的一边是房子,另一侧是花园。The boat was over on the far side of the harbour.小船停在了港口的另一侧




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