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例句 Alexander took this as an oblique reference to his own affairs.亚历山大认为这是在含沙射影地指向他的私事。One of the soldiers gabbled something and pointed at the front door.其中一个士兵急促不清地说了些什么,然后指向了前门。He pointed skywards.他的手指向空中。When you point at the icon, a small text box appears.指向图标时会出现一个小文本框。The evidence all seems to point to one conclusion.所有证据似乎都指向一个结论。He points two fingers at his head, as if he were holding a gun.他把两根手指指向他的头,仿佛他正举着一支枪。He pointed a stubby finger at a wooden chair opposite him.他伸出一根粗短的手指指向他对面的一把木椅。The road to the zoo is signed by arrows on the wall.墙上的箭头指向通往动物园的路。Mark gave me a nudge and indicated two men who had just walked in.马克用肘轻轻推了推我,指向刚进来的两名男子。She pointed toward the crisscross of trees that had fallen on the path.指向纵横交错地倒在小径上的那几棵树。The truck did not have its siren or flashers on.这辆卡车没有鸣笛也没有打开闪光指向灯。The arrow always points north.箭头总是指向北方。An arrow pointed to the toilets.箭头指向卫生间。The conductor pointed his stick at the girl with the horn.指挥把他的指挥棒指向吹号的女孩。She pointed her knife at Richard.她把刀指向理查德。The arrow on the map points north.地图上的箭头指向北方。The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.指南针的指针总是指向磁北极。The finger of suspicion was pointed at the construction company.疑点指向建筑公司。They have the nerve to level these accusations against one of our most respected members.他们竟敢将这些指责指向我们最受尊敬的一名成员。Patterson pointed towards a cardboard box.帕特森指向一个硬纸盒。The compass had a northeast reading.指南针指向东北。It all points to the conclusion that nobody knew what was going on.所有的事实都指向这个结论:没有人知道发生了什么事。Turn off at the sign to Walton.指向沃尔顿的路标处转弯。Charges of corruption have been levelled against him.有关腐败的指控纷纷指向了他。The code is cross-referenced to a database which immediately details the nature of the target.代码通过互见指向一个能够立即详细解释目标性质的数据库。The young woman pointed him towards another door.那个年轻的女人把他指向了另一扇门。The blame is generally laid at the door of the government.通常谴责的矛头都会指向政府。Their ire was directed mainly at the government.他们的怒火主要指向政府。The evidence all points in this direction.所有证据都指向这个方向。The compass needle points north.指南针指向北方。You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.无论走到哪里,罗盘仍然指向北或南。The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.她的言论的锋芒指向工会领袖。Much of the public's anger was directed at the government.公众将很多不满指向了政府。He raised a languid hand to indicate another questioner.他有气无力地抬起手指向另一位提问者。The game is played with a point and click interface.这种游戏以指向和点击界面进行。He gestured to an empty chair.指向一把空椅子。She held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.她抬起一只骨瘦嶙峋的小手,指向房间的另一端。Each of these pages has hot links to other documents throughout the network.这些网页中每一页都设有热链接,指向网络中的其他文件。The documents purport the facts.这些文件都指向了事实。You will see an arrow pointing to the left.你会看到一个指向左边的箭头。




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