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词汇 campaign
例句 Many senior politicians have lent their voices to the campaign.许多资深从政者发言声援这场运动。The advertisement campaign is designed to make this new product a household word in every Chinese home.这次广告宣传的目的就是要使这一新产品在中国家喻户晓。He wanted to experience the inner workings of the political campaign. 他想体验这次政治运动的内部操作情况。Toy bears left over from an ad campaign will be donated to the children's hospital.广告宣传活动后留下的玩具熊将捐赠给儿童医院。He went on a whistle-stop campaign/tour in the days leading up to the election.在临近选举的日子,他开始了走马灯似的巡回竞选演说。He proved to be a valuable ally in my campaign to improve standards.事实证明,在我开展的提高各项标准的运动中,他是一位重要的支持者。He won a hard-fought campaign for reelection.他赢得了激烈的连任竞选。Since he came to live with me, we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison.自从他来与我同住,我们之间便摩擦不断;相比之下,萨拉夫人倒显得一副菩萨心肠。Police have launched a campaign to educate children about the fundamentals of traffic safety.警方发起了一个宣传活动来教育儿童有关交通安全的基本常识。The media campaign features four commercials that will run for eight weeks.这次在媒体上的宣传活动将推出四个商业广告,为期八周。Several broadcasters have been criticized for failing to give even-handed treatment to all the parties during the election campaign.几家广播电台因在大选中没有对所有党派一视同仁地进行报道而受到批评。She handled travel arrangements for the press corps during the presidential campaign.她负责了总统竞选活动期间新闻报道团的行程安排。The campaign has heated up in its final days.竞选活动在最后阶段已趋于白热化。His campaign collapsed about his ears.他的竞选运动一败涂地。She was asked to help plan Labour's election campaign.她受邀帮助工党筹划选举活动。Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession.我们反对滥用药物的运动得到了医学界的支持。His campaign seems to have caught the imagination of many other Germans.他的竞选活动好像已经吸引了许多其他德国人。The advertising campaign was only partially successful.广告活动只获得部分成功。He is on leave from his newspaper for the campaign.他为了参加竞选运动,请了假不去报社上班。He has already been blamed for his party's lacklustre performance during the election campaign.他因其政党在竞选运动中表现平平而备受指责。The AIDS awareness campaign was targeted mainly at high-risk groups, especially drug users and prostitutes.提高艾滋病意识的运动主要是针对高危群体发起的,尤其针对吸毒者和妓女。He would have been the first to arraign their conduct had the campaign failed.假如这次活动失败了的话,他会是第一个指责他们行为的人。The campaign is going full speed ahead.这场运动正在全面展开。Last week, in the heat of the election campaign, the Prime Minister left for America.上周,当竞选活动进行到白热化时,首相启程去了美国。The government has launched a new road safety campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of road accidents.政府发起了一场新的行车安全运动,目的是减少道路交通事故。Right now, you've got a president who's floundering, trying to find some way to get his campaign jump-started.现在,你们的总统正踌躇不前,试图找到某种办法来推动他的竞选活动的开展。The new advertising campaign rams home the dangers of drink-driving.新一轮的宣传活动把酒后驾车的危害讲得很透彻。The campaign has been shown to be a waste of money.这次宣传活动结果证明是在浪费钱财。His campaign has begun to pick up momentum.他的竞选势头日趋强劲。Peres said the military campaign would last as long as it took to secure the country's northern border.佩雷斯说这次军事行动将会持续很长时间,以保护国家北部边境的安全。This campaign is one of the most successful in the history of advertising.这一宣传推广是广告史上最为成功的活动之一。Health and security will be key planks in the party's election campaign.健康和安全将是该党在竞选纲领中的关键点。At the halfway stage of the campaign, Bush had the lead.在总统竞选的中期布什领先。Advertising can help to kick-start a political campaign.做宣传有助于迅速启动一场政治运动。Motoring organizations have started a campaign for safer roads in the area.汽车协会已经发起了一场在该地区改善路面条件的运动。He wrote all the campaign tracts.这些竞选传单全是他写的。The online campaign consists of a series of three highly interactive banners.这次网上宣传活动由三幅密切的系列页旗构成。The candidate's excellent campaign was the main reason for his election.这个候选人出色的竞选活动是他当选的主要原因。His campaign team have assiduously courted the media.他的竞选班子竭力讨好媒体。A Brazilian public relations firm has brought some fizz into his campaign.一家巴西公关公司给他的竞选活动带来了一些活力。




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