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词汇 Cambridge
例句 Cambridge is always full of tourists in the summer.剑桥在夏季总是挤满了游客。He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge.他曾在伊顿公学和剑桥大学的三一学院接受教育。He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。The book contains over fifty scenic views of Cambridge.书中有五十多幅剑桥的风景照。Let me know when you're coming to Cambridge and I'll show you around.你来剑桥时请通知我,我会带你四处参观一下。Cambridge lost to Oxford.剑桥队输给了牛津队。At Cambridge she rubbed shoulders with the likes of George Bernard Shaw.在剑桥,她接触的都是萧伯纳一类的人物。She read French and German at Cambridge University.她在剑桥大学学习法语和德语。Getting a train across country from Cambridge to Chester can be difficult.搭乘火车在剑桥和切斯特之间进行乡间旅行可不容易。They live out Cambridge way.他们住在剑桥外。He's the warden of Robinson College, Cambridge.他是剑桥大学罗宾逊学院的院长。Cambridge is the county town of Cambridgeshire.剑桥是剑桥郡的首府。He got a first-class honours degree in English from Cambridge University.他拿到了剑桥大学的英语一等荣誉学士学位。The Cambridge World History of Human Disease is a magisterial work.《剑桥世界人类疾病史》是一部权威著作。Oxford and Cambridge are often seen as the creme de la creme of British universities.牛津和剑桥常被看作是英国最优秀的大学。He had been awarded an Upper Second in Cambridge.他在剑桥大学得了个中上成绩。He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University.他已经接受了剑桥大学的研究教授职位。She went to Cambridge and rubbed shoulders with the likes of George Bernard Shaw.她去了剑桥,交往的都是像萧伯纳这样的人物。He received a cordial welcome at Cambridge.他在剑桥受到了热诚的欢迎。Cambridge is twinned with Heidelberg.剑桥和海德堡结成了姊妹城。Georgia's a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge.乔治娅是剑桥大学克莱尔学院的研究员。What's the dialling code for Cambridge?剑桥的区号是多少?He's very much the product of private schooling and a Cambridge degree.他有着私立中小学教育和剑桥大学教育的鲜明特征。You'll have to change trains at Cambridge.你得在剑桥转车。He has decided to go back to Cambridge to continue his medical studies.他已决定重回剑桥,继续学医。He had ridden out of Cambridge, inconspicuous among the hundreds of young cyclists.他已骑车出了剑桥,淹没在几百名年轻的自行车手当中。Click the desktop icon to open the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.点击桌面图标,打开《剑桥高阶学习词典》。He wanted to go to Cambridge, but he didn't get in.他想上剑桥大学,但没被录取。The classes consist of immigrants, and students who will return to their home countries at the end of the course. The latter group are preparing for the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.这些班级由移民学生和学成后要回国的学生组成。后者正在准备剑桥英语能力证书考试。They're doing a run at the Cambridge Playhouse.他们正在多玛仓库剧院进行连续演出。Has he been accepted at Cambridge University?他被剑桥大学录取了吗? Cambridge is in East Anglia.剑桥位于东英格兰。Keep in mind that the teacher's previous experience in preparing students for the Cambridge exam can influence the results.请记住,老师过去为学生准备剑桥大学入学考试的经验能对成绩好坏产生影响。A research fellowship came up at Cambridge and I applied for it.剑桥大学有个研究员的职位空缺,我就提出了申请。Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥? He decided to take a two year let on a flat in Cambridge.他决定租下剑桥的一套公寓,租期为两年。I had been planning a trip to Cambridge.我一直在筹划去剑桥的旅行。He and I were almost contemporaries in Cambridge.剑桥大学时代他和我差不多同届。The streets of Cambridge are a veritable living museum of architecture.剑桥的街道简直就是一座活生生的建筑艺术博物馆。He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge.他在当地的语法学校接受教育,接着又上了剑桥大学。




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