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词汇 压力
例句 Earthquakes happen when stresses in rock are suddenly released as the rocks fracture.当岩石碎裂时其承受的压力突然释放出来,地震就发生了。Do some gentle exercises to relieve the stresses and strains of your day.做一些轻柔的运动来消除一天的压力和紧张。Advertising aimed at children puts a lot of pressure on parents.针对孩子们的广告给家长们造成了极大的压力I felt the pressure of being the first woman in the job.作为第一个从事这一工作的女性,我感到有压力The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable.老式潜艇内的压力几乎是难以忍受的。The stress of her final exams made her a wreck.期末考试的压力让她身心疲惫。Families are being whipsawed by high prices and low wages.家庭遭受了高物价和低工资的双重压力Employees may face increasing pressure to take on more of their own medical costs in retirement.员工可能会面临越来越大的压力,即退休后要自己负担更多的医疗费。Increasing demand is placing undue strain on services.需求不断增加对服务造成过大的压力The Prime Minister has caved in to backbench pressure.首相在后座议员的压力下让步了。Some people seem to thrive on stress.有些人好像在压力之下游刃有余。We're studying the interrelationship between stress and disease.我们正在研究压力与疾病之间的联系。When you have made up your mind, pick on a day when you will not be under much stress.你什么时候下决心了,就挑一个压力不大的日子。Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力The form the human family takes is a response to environmental pressures.人类的家庭形式是为了应对来自生存环境的压力Playing four forwards puts too much pressure on the defence.派出四名前锋会对防守造成太大压力In spite of the pressure to pass the test, he felt calm and in control.尽管有必须通过考试的压力,他却感到平静并安之若素。There are many things an employer can do to ease employees' stress.雇主可以用多种方法缓解员工的压力There are huge budgetary pressures on all governments in Europe to reduce their armed forces.欧洲各国政府都面临着巨大的裁军预算压力Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure.由于最后期限就要到了,我们都感受到了压力She was reprimanded for putting undue pressure on her clients.她因给顾客施加过度的压力而受责备。The heat was really on at work.工作确实压力很大。The stress began to tell on her face/health.压力开始明显影响到了她的面色/健康。There's a lot of pressure on the soldiers preparing for battle.准备奔赴战场的士兵承受着很大的压力The stress will take its toll on you.压力会把你压垮的。The patient must re-enter a world full of problems and stresses.患者必须再次进入充满问题和压力的世界。You overlook the pressure you're under and what it does to you.你忽视了你所承受的压力及它带给你的后果。Analyse what is causing stress in your life.剖析一下造成生活压力的原因。Depression is often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork.抑郁症通常是由压力和过度劳累日积月累引起的。You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground.每次龙骨触地的时候你都能感受到船体所受的压力We were feeling the heat as the deadline approached.随着最后期限的临近,我们渐渐感受到压力Personal computer makers are likely to face continued pressure to keep prices low.个人电脑制造商很可能会面临保持低价的持续压力Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.压力被广泛认为是导致冠心病的一个因素。Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of stress.疲劳感是压力的最常见症状之一。Some mothers regard work as a welcome respite from the stress of looking after a home and children.有些做母亲的将工作视为令人高兴的暂息时间,能从照顾家庭和子女的压力中解脱出来。Much of the pressure for changing the law has come from special interest groups.要求变革法律的压力有很大一部分来自于特殊利益集团。The latest education reforms have put extra pressure on teachers who are already hard-pressed.最新的教育改革给工作强度已经很大的教师增加了额外的压力Stress had reduced him to a nervous wreck.压力使他的神经都要崩溃了。George was trying to explain away his outburst, saying that he'd been under a lot of pressure.乔治试图为自己的突然发作辩解,说他经受的压力很大。The pressure should ease up soon.压力应该会很快得到缓解。




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