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词汇 发笑
例句 The clown amused the audience by his childish antics.小丑用幼稚的滑稽动作逗观众们发笑None of my carefully-prepared jokes managed to raise a laugh.我精心准备的笑话没有一个能引大家发笑Just seeing Woody Allen's face is enough to make me laugh.只要看一眼伍迪•艾伦的脸就足以使我发笑The clown tickled the audience with his funny actions.小丑用滑稽动作逗观众发笑When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.我是他那样的小毛孩时,莫明其妙地就会发笑Whenever she failed to comprehend she invariably laughed.她不懂的时候总是发笑An old man sat on the curb, mumbling and laughing to himself.有个老人坐在路缘上,一个人咕咕哝哝的,还独自发笑It always makes me laugh when you look at me like that.你那个样子看着我总是会让我发笑She'd not forgotten how Gareth had laughed and sneered at them when they'd first tried to be friendly.她没有忘记,一开始他们想表示友好的时候,加雷思是如何发笑,如何嘲笑他们的。Alison tends to get the giggles at the most inappropriate moments.艾利森总是不合时宜地发笑Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers.爸爸在看报上的滑稽连环画栏时总要咯咯发笑Rachel used to make us all laugh by imitating the teacher.雷切尔以前经常模仿老师,逗我们大家发笑The originality of his humour made everyone laugh.他别开生面的幽默逗得大家发笑Richard's jokes make you groan rather than laugh.理查德的笑话让人发冷而不是发笑Sarah's very funny. Her jokes always make me laugh.萨拉非常风趣,她说的笑话总是能逗我发笑Linda and Christina were giggling at some private joke.琳达和克里丝蒂娜讲着什么私密的笑话,在咯咯地发笑Although his jokes were a little lewd, he always made us laugh.虽然他的笑话有点下流,但是总能让我们发笑I thought this cartoon from yesterday's paper might amuse you.我觉得昨天报纸上这幅漫画也许会使你发笑He was giggling like a drunken idiot.他咯咯发笑,像个喝醉酒的白痴。Not even Will Rogers could make the poker-faced President laugh.就连威尔·罗杰斯也不能引得铁板面孔的总统发笑The movie relies on simpleminded gags for laughs.这部电影靠一些愚蠢的插科打诨逗观众发笑You're amazed that anyone still laughs at these corny old jokes.你会很惊讶,竟然还有人为这些老套的笑话发笑John's a real card; he always makes me laugh.约翰真是个怪人;他总是引我发笑The nurses were clustered together in the corridor, giggling about something.护士们聚集在走廊上,为着什么事情咯咯发笑Bev made her laugh, the way she was always clowning around.贝夫用她一贯滑稽耍宝的方式逗她发笑




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