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词汇 发病
例句 As the natural history and cause of the malady was not then known, suitable management was not instigated.当时,人们由于不了解这种疾病的发病原因和发展过程,因而没有进行恰当处理。One percent of the population now carries the virus, and one in three will suffer symptoms of the disease.目前有百分之一的人口携带这种病毒,每三名携带者中就会有一人发病Some forecasts suggest that the increase in heart disease will continue for some time.一些预测认为,心脏病发病人数的上升将持续一段时间。He was a manic-depressive whose periods coincided with the full moon.他是躁狂抑郁病患者,每逢满月就发病Occurrences of the disease were sporadically reported.偶尔会有关于这种疾病的发病报道。Halfway through the party my wife became ill and we had to leave in short order.聚会进行到一半,我太太发病了,我们只好赶紧离开。Attacks of asthma decrease in frequency through early adult life.成年早期,哮喘的发病频率会降低。The study provided valuable insight into the development of the disease.该研究对这种疾病的发病过程提出了有价值的见解。I had bitten through my tongue while having a fit.发病时咬破了舌头。The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.这种药能降低发病次数和严重程度。He has several fits every week.他每星期发病好几次。I think she's having one of her turns.我想她是发病了。Some doctors are dishing out drugs their patients do not need.一些医生在分发病人不需要的药。Pneumonia can develop very quickly.肺炎发病可能很急速。She was taken bad during the night.她是夜里发病的。She hurt her arm during one of her fits.她在一次发病时弄伤了胳膊。The patient had repeated cold and hot fits with only one or two well-days between them.病人总是一阵冷一阵热,中间只有一两天不发病When hay fever first occurs, it is often mistaken for a summer cold.花粉病发病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。The decrease of the somnus quality is always occurred in patients with hypertension preliminary diagnosed.初发性高血压患者发病后常有明显的睡眠质量下降。She and her husband both became ill quite acutely.她和她丈夫发病都相当急。She suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks.她患有严重的阶段性抑郁症,发病时她会把自己关在屋内,一连几个星期不与别人说话。The sufferer can experience frequent relapses.患者可能会频繁发病




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