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词汇 发展过程
例句 All of this research informs our understanding of how disease processes work.所有这些研究有助于我们理解疾病的发展过程Progress was conceived as a staged development from magic to religion to science.人类进步被认为是从魔法到宗教再到科学的分阶段发展过程First he surveys Islam's development.首先他回顾了伊斯兰教的发展过程Von Braun played a leading part in the development of space flights.冯·布劳恩在太空飞行发展过程中起到了重要作用。It seemed like a natural progression from singing to acting as a career.从唱歌到以表演为职业似乎是一个自然的发展过程As the natural history and cause of the malady was not then known, suitable management was not instigated.当时,人们由于不了解这种疾病的发病原因和发展过程,因而没有进行恰当处理。Its history is expressive of the character and development of the people who possess it.它的历史体现了其拥有者的性格特征和发展过程The book traces the development of philosophy.该书追溯了哲学的发展过程They've stopped the project and will write this off as part of the growing pains of a new organization.他们已经叫停并将取消该项目,将其视作新机构发展过程中必须经历的一种痛楚。We can accurately model the development process.我们可以精确地模拟那个发展过程In the opening chapter, the author traces the development of judo from its ancient roots.在开头的一章里,作者追溯了柔道从古代起的发展过程There are new trends toward treating the library as a nexus for resource centre development.存在着种种把图书馆作为资料中心发展过程中一环的新趋势。Climate was an important factor in the development of classical Greek culture.气候是古希腊文化发展过程中的一个重要因素。Man needed to understand his place in the scheme of things.人类需要理解自身在事物发展过程中的地位。




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