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词汇 executive
例句 He was a studio executive at Paramount.他是派拉蒙影业公司的一名高管。The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government.这个问题应该由政府的行政部门解决。Bulletin boards charted each executive's progress.公告板用图表显示了每位主管的工作进展。In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive.从理论上讲,文职部门是政府行政机关的非政治性职能部门。The President of the U.S. is the chief executive.美国总统是最高行政官。The retired executive consults for several large companies.那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。I'm afraid the chief executive has a hard-on for this idea.恐怕总经理迷上这主意了。She is our executive/administrative secretary. 她是我们的行政秘书。He had been granted his own TV show by some demented executive.某个古怪的主管已经批准他自己来做一个电视节目。The executive famously insisted on riding the bus to work every day.经理坚持每天乘坐公共汽车上班,他因此出了名。He quit his post as chief executive.他辞去了行政总裁的职务。The executive of the health workers' union accepted the proposed pay increase on behalf of their members.卫生保健工作者工会执行委员会代表其会员接受了加薪的提议。Universal Studios is looking for a new chief executive.环球影片公司正在物色一位新的总裁。The board disavowed the action of the executive.董事会拒绝对总经理的行动承担责任。His wife has grown executive and used to command.他妻子变得很有管理才干并惯于发号施令。Horrigan was typical of the new-generation executive Sticht had brought into the company.霍里根是施蒂希特引入公司的新一代主管的典型代表。The executive board has approved this expansion.执行董事会已经同意了这项扩展计划。The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be、行政部门和司法部门应该彼此分离。She has set up her own executive recruitment business in Paris.她在巴黎成立了自己的行政人员招聘公司。Kramer reports directly to the chief executive.克雷默直接向总经理报告。The chief executive said that the company was looking at a bleak future.总经理说公司前景黯淡。The executive handpicked her successor.经理亲自挑选了她的接班人。Today its executive committee voted unanimously to reject the proposals.今天执行委员会投票一致否决了这些提案。The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work.这个精明的主管所有重要的工作都有信得过的人来做。It is still rare for a woman to hold an executive position in some industries.在某些行业中,女性身居高位的情况仍不多见。In the U.S., the President is the head of the executive branch of government.在美国,总统是政府行政部门的首脑。No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price.再无其他高级轿车能按这个价格水平为你提供同样水准的标准配置。The company's shareholders have voted to remove the executive board.公司股东已经投票决定罢免执行董事会。The chief executive has set group-wide targets to reduce costs in each of its businesses.首席执行官的目标是商业集团内的每一个成员都减低成本。I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.我不设想自己将成为管理人员,但很希望成为商品营销顾问。The rebels besieged the heavily fortified executive mansion.叛乱分子包围了防守严密的政府官邸。Again, the executive rephrased the question.经理又换了一种方式提问。She was forced to hand executive control over to the new board.她被迫向新的董事会交出行政权。A newly-arrived executive is usually anxious to make his mark in a new firm.新上任的行政人员一般都急于要在新公司里做出一番成绩。The Council met in executive session for the purpose of selecting a new general secretary.地方议会举行政务会议选举新秘书长。The President is the chief executive of the U.S.总统是美国的最高行政长官。The executive board huddled to discuss the issue.管理层聚在一起讨论那个问题。It was refreshing to meet a woman executive.见到女性管理人员让人感觉很新鲜。As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities.作为最高行政长官,他聚集了一群风度翩翩的名人。Olivia has a reputation as an easygoing, approachable executive who always has lunch with her employees.奥利维娅是个人所共知的随和而易于接近的经理,她总是与员工一起吃午餐。




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