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词汇 execution
例句 She was charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duties.她被指控妨碍警察执行任务。The judge had granted a stay of execution.法官已准予缓期执行死刑。No date has been set for her execution.她的死刑执行日期未定。Although the original idea was good, its execution has been disappointing.尽管最初的想法很好,但真正做起来却令人失望。He admits that, during the execution of a painting, things do change all the time.他承认,在一幅画的创作过程中,情况是一直在变化的。The rigidity on the part of the Ministry of Justice is what caused the early execution of the inmates on the death roll.法务部的食古不化是造成死刑犯被提早枪决的原因。He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death.他没有亲眼目睹她被处决,但他和其他人对她的死都难脱干系。The hour of his execution was approaching.他被处决的时刻就要到来了。The prisoner made shrift before his execution.这个犯人在被处死前做了忏悔。Convicted drug traffickers may face execution.毒品走私犯可能会被处以死刑。French revolutionaries considered death by guillotine to be a more humane method of execution.法国革命党人将上断头台视为较人道的处决方式。He was granted a reprieve only a few hours before his execution.他在被处决前几小时获得缓刑。It says torture and summary execution are common.那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。These crimes carried with them the ultimate penalty of execution.这些罪行导致他们被处以极刑。He is in prison awaiting execution.他在狱中等待处决。The quarterback's execution of the play was perfect.四分卫在比赛中表现得好极了。His lawyers have intensified their efforts to halt his execution.他的律师们加紧努力以阻止对他的处决。The department is responsible for the planning and execution of military operations.该部门负责制定计划并执行军事行动。The ideas in the show's presentation were good, but failed in execution.该节目呈现的想法不错,但未能付诸实践。His execution was a hole-and-corner affair.对他的处决是秘密进行的。He can let the court's decision stand and permit the execution.他有权维持法庭判决,批准死刑生效。I was in hourly expectation of a summons to execution.我随时可能收到法院执行死刑的传票。Most death row inmates avoid execution for many years by filing several appeals.大多数死囚可以通过反复上诉延缓行刑长达数年。The army oversaw the trial and execution of the king.军队监督了对国王的审讯和处决。She was taken prisoner and suffered eventual execution.她被捕入狱,最终被处决。US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given by the president.美国军队充分准备好随时执行总统的任何指令。The idea was good but the execution lacked imagination.想法很好,但是执行方式缺乏想象力。They accepted blood money in exchange for the murderer's execution.他们接受了赎罪金,从而使凶手免于死刑。The judge agreed to stay the execution.法官同意停止执行。The martyrdom of their execution was rather tragic.他们殉难时的情景是相当悲惨的。In some states execution is by lethal injection.有些州以注射毒剂方式执行死刑。If caught, the men could face execution.如果被捕,这些人可能被处决。His execution became certain when the state board refused his request for commutation.州委员会拒绝了他的减刑请求,他被执行死刑已确定无疑。The execution of our plan requires teamwork.实行我们的计划需要同心协力。The execution of the bandits took place today.匪徒们于今天处决。He went into exile to avoid capture and execution by the government.为躲避政府的抓捕和极刑,他开始流亡。I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.我想象不出比处死无辜的人更严重的误判了。All appeals have been exhausted and his execution is imminent.所有的上诉已审理完毕,很快会对他执行死刑。The ideas in the show's presentation were good, but failed in execution.那场展览陈述的想法很好,但是没能实现。One of them was subjected to a mock execution.他们当中有一个人受到了假处决。




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