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词汇 executives
例句 Today's executives are hungry, competitive, and aggressive.现在的主管们雄心勃勃,竞争意识强并有进取精神。In an open letter to the company, a citizens' group implored company executives to reconsider their decision to close the factory.一个市民组织在给公司的公开信中恳请公司管理层重新考虑关闭这家工厂的决定。Many executives cashed out large chunks of stock when the price was near its high.许多主管在价格临近最高点时售出了大量自己持有的公司股票。His income was modest compared with that of other chief executives.同其他首席执行官相比,他的收入不算高。Network executives are hoping to see the ratings zoom up overnight.有线电视网的高管希望看到收视率一夜之间迅速攀升。At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks.在这些集会上,主管们和其他银行的重要人员友善往来。He disregarded the advice of his executives.他对主管们的建议置若罔闻。Lower-level workers were paid hourly while executives were paid annually.低级别工人按小时付酬,而主管们则是按年付酬。Yesterday union executives met with their opposite numbers in industry.昨天,工会的执行委员和产业中资方的对等人物开会。In spite of their concerns, the executives are not downcast over the outlook for the coming year.尽管经理们有担心的事情,但他们对来年的展望并不气馁。Company executives say revamped merchandising should help Macy's earnings to grow.公司主管说销售规划改进后应该能够帮助梅西公司提高收益。The women allege that top male executives routinely fondled female employees.那些妇女指控男性高级管理人员经常对女雇员动手动脚。He served as an intermediary between the workers and the executives.他在工人和高管之间充当了调解人。He was met by a trio of smiling executives.迎接他的是三位面带笑容的主管。The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。The greatest danger is that we simply create information overload for our executives.最大的危险在于我们给了主管过多的信息,超出了他们能够处理的极限。The City is full of hyperactive executives who never stop rushing around.这个城市里到处都是精力过人的行政人员,他们一刻也闲不下来。This is a fairly common tactic among junior executives.在年资较浅的经理人员中这一招是相当普遍的。The greatest danger is that we simply create information overload for our executives.最大的危险在于我们向主管提供了过多的信息,超出了他们能够处理的极限。Several company executives were accused of accepting kickbacks.几家公司的经理被指控收受回扣。He suggested doubling the criminal sentences for company executives.他建议对公司高管的刑事判决刑期加倍。Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives.警方正在调查对高级管理人员涉嫌贪污的指控。The firm's top executives moved freely in the highest echelons of business and politics.该公司的高层管理人员在商界和政界的高层中自由地转换身份。He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence.他禁止董事与管理层绕开他私下进行任何联系。Two executives appeared in court charged with fraud.两名主管因被控欺诈出庭受审。The company executives forestalled criticism by inviting union leaders to meet.公司管理层邀请工会领袖见面,以避免遭受批评。There is a clause in the contract that prevents executives going over to the competition.合同中有一条款用以防止行政人员转投到竞争对手那里。She spent the day networking with other executives.她花了一整天时间与其他高管建立关系。Some young executives crack under the pressure of having to meet tough sales targets every month.一些年轻的主管崩溃了,他们压力很大,每个月都要完成很高的销售指标。Most executives of promise have a built-in go-go-go.多数有出息的经理天生有魄力。The company's executives earn obscene salaries.公司主管们的薪水高得惊人。Chief executives have to look beyond the next quarter's bottom line.主管们必须看得长远些,而不只是盯着下季度的盈亏底线。Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates' Court charged with tax fraud.又有两个经理因偷税漏税指控被传唤到沃辛治安法庭。Several senior executives were notably absent from the proceedings.一些高级主管显然没有出席会议。The company's top executives had refused to listen to reason.公司的高层管理人员拒绝理智行事。A few of the top executives are women, but this is still exceptional.最高层的管理人员中有几位是女性,但这仍很罕见。The poor economic climate and the attitude of leading executives both point to a grim future.不利的经济气候,以及主要管理人员的态度,都表明未来形势严峻。Most of the executives attended the meeting, but the company president was conspicuously absent. 大部分高管都出席了会议,可是公司总裁却没有出席,这一点非常引人注目。Salaries of leading executives have continued to escalate.高管们的薪酬持续上涨。He accused executives of trying to line their own pockets.他指控主管人员试图中饱私囊。




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