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词汇 反抗
例句 The organized opposition has been brutally repressed.有组织的反抗遭到了残暴镇压。The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule.非洲人民反抗殖民统治的斗争已取得成效。Many of the demonstrators committed acts of civil disobedience.许多示威者作出了非暴力反抗的行为。The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.世人为他的勇气和反抗精神震惊不已。Union leaders have mounted an offensive against the company's proposal to limit health benefits.针对公司限制健康福利的提案,工会领导们已经发起了反抗攻势。The African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.非洲人成功地反抗殖民统治。Emma is not behaving very reasonably nowadays. I think she's reacting against her teachers’ strictness.现在埃玛的行为不是很讲道理,我想她是在反抗老师的严格要求。The flame of resistance never entirely flickered out in the enemy-occupied areas.在敌占区,反抗的火焰从不曾完全被扑灭。The assault was so unexpected that he was briefly stunned into submission.袭击来得非常突然,他一时间惊得毫无反抗能力。He offered no resistance when he was arrested. 他被捕时未做反抗Recent election losses have led to open rebellion among some party members, who are calling for a complete change of leadership.近期选举失利导致党内一些成员公开反抗,他们要求彻底更换领导层。They staged a rebellion against Spanish rule in Mexico.他们在墨西哥发动了一场反抗西班牙统治的叛乱。Some of the Arab tribes were persuaded to revolt against Turkish rule.有些阿拉伯部落受到劝诱,想反抗土耳其的统治。Her resistance only fanned his desire.她的反抗反而激起了他的欲望。Russian resistance suddenly stiffened because there was no room for retreat.俄罗斯的反抗突然变得强硬起来,因为已经没有退路了。He responded rebelliously.他的反应是公开反抗The black population is defying curfew and repression.黑人居民正在反抗戒严和镇压。You're such a mouse, Cled. You never stand up to her.科雷德,你这个懦夫,你从来都不敢反抗她。The child eventually turned on his tormentors.那小孩终于向折磨他的人反抗了。It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders.不可否认,这是一场平民百姓反抗领导人的起义。He will fight even more desperately if trapped.如果被困,他会反抗得更疯狂。The people rose up in protest.人们奋起反抗She raised her fist in a gesture of defiance.她举起拳头,以示反抗When threatened with a revolt of its own supporters, the government backpedaled from its previous position.政府在其支持者的反抗威胁之下,放弃了原先的立场。She always was a defiant child.她一直是个具有反抗精神的孩子。If Douglas came down hard enough on him, Dale would rebel.如果道格拉斯对戴尔太过严厉,他就会反抗She said she would defy the party leader and vote against him.她说她会反抗这位党领导,对他投反对票。They incubated sedition and plotted against Rome.他们煽动暴乱并密谋反抗罗马。This form of civil disobedience isn't a particularly new phenomenon.这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象。He was in a defiant mood.他处于一种反抗情绪之中。I left the room messy out of sheer defiance.我把屋子弄得一团糟完全是为了表示自己的反抗Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny.自我表现与追求个性是反抗暴政的最佳武器。He was facing a revolt in his own party.他正面临着自己党内的反抗When I stood up to her, her right cheek would begin to twitch.我作出反抗时,她的右脸就会开始抽搐。Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back.一些暴虐的男人殴打自己的儿子,直到这些孩子长大,够强壮,能反抗他们为止。They fought to turn back the enemy.他们奋起反抗,以将敌军赶回去。The prisoners rose against the guards and escaped.囚犯反抗狱吏后逃跑了。A few have assimilated easily into the system they once rebelled against.少数人很容易地被他们曾反抗过的制度同化了。Thoreau practiced civil disobedience against an imperialist war.梭罗对帝国主义战争进行了非暴力反抗Any opposition to the new government was immediately stamped on by the army.对新政府的任何反抗都立即被军队镇压了下去。




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