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词汇 crippling
例句 The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms.高昂的资金成本严重损害了美国的许多小型高科技公司。The American military presence on the islands had suffered a crippling blow.该群岛上的美国部队受到了严重打击。These shoes are crippling me.这双鞋子穿得我脚疼。If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban and a crippling fine.如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会面临很长时间的禁驾以及巨额罚款。He was burdened with crippling debts.他负债累累,深受其苦。A crippling attack of malaria kept him in bed for months.一场严重的疟疾让他好几个月卧床不起。Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.关节炎是一种会危害全人类健康的致残性疾病。This left him with a crippling fear of abandonment.这让他备受煎熬,深恐被遗弃。This put them at a crippling cost disadvantage.这使他们处于足以致命的成本劣势。Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases.关节炎和风湿病是两大主要致残疾病。Kaufman's proposals would strike a crippling blow to the industry.考夫曼的提议将给这个行业带来严重的打击。Remarkably, the child recovered from a disease which had swept the world, killing and crippling millions.令人意想不到的是,这个孩子从病中康复了,而这种病症曾经席卷整个世界,使数以百万计的人丧生或残疾。They both suffered from crippling pains in their hips.他们两人都感到髋部疼痛难忍。The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms.高昂的资金成本严重影响了美国的很多小型高科技公司。




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