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We need someone who can stay calm in a crisis.我们需要一个临危不乱的人。She comported herself well during the crisis.危急关头,她表现得沉着冷静。The crisis might have been finessed into a negotiated settlement.这场危机本来可以通过谈判得以解决。The country's leadership had underestimated the depth of the crisis.该国领导人低估了这场危机的严重性。They tried to head off the crisis by raising interest rates.他们尽力通过提高利率来防正危机的发生。The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec.这一危机已在魁北克激起了一波民族独立主义情绪。The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis.国际社会对这次危机反应迟缓。The country is facing a crisis unparalleled since the Second World War.该国正面临着一场二战以来前所未有的危机。The company is taking a proactive approach to easing the energy crisis.公司正采取积极主动的方法缓解能源危机。The author makes several sweeping generalizations about the causes of the crisis.作者笼统地归纳了几个导致这场危机的原因。He momentarily confounded his critics by his cool handling of the hostage crisis.他对人质危机的冷静处理一时让批评他的人惊讶不已。This latest crisis brings to mind the events of last year.最近的这场危机使人想起去年的那些事件。This financial crisis means that the government's economic policy is finished.这次金融危机意味着政府的经济政策无法继续下去了。The crisis has lost none of its gravity.危机的严重性仍未缓解。The Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the crisis.安理会召开了紧急会议讨论这场危机。The crisis gave an overarching justification to the government's policy.这场危机使政府的政策找到了能解释一切的正当理由。The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another.州政府陷入一个又一个的预算危机。The crisis in that troubled country neared a flashpoint last week.那个动乱的国家上周濒临冲突爆发的边缘。The economic crisis has deepened.经济危机更加严重了。It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis.那是该国摆脱经济危机的最后一搏。The next few weeks brought more grim news, as the economic crisis began to deepen.接下来的几个星期里,随着经济危机开始加深,消息更加令人沮丧。The President has been accused of manufacturing a fake crisis.总统被指控捏造不实的危机传闻。Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis.监狱里的犯人越来越多,人满为患,造成实实在在的危机。The bank came tumbling down in the financial crisis.这家银行在金融危机中倒闭。It's a bit late in the day to start issuing warnings when we're already in the middle of a crisis.在我们已经深陷危机之时才开始发出警告,有点儿为时已晚。Leaders will meet to discuss the debt crisis, investment and other related issues.领导人将会开会讨论债务危机、投资及相关问题。The military may step in if the crisis continues.如果危机持续下去,军方可能会介入。Now we're going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the-minute news on the crisis.现在我们将连线本台驻华盛顿的记者,现场报道关于该危机的最新消息。There seems to be a crisis of confidence in the economy.对经济似乎出现了信任危机。He always seems to be lurching from one crisis to another.他似乎接连不断地陷入一个又一个的危机。Ben, as ever, has been the voice of reason throughout the whole crisis.本一如既往,在这场危机中始终代表着一种理性的声音。The secretary of defense met with his counterparts in Asia to discuss the nuclear crisis.国防部长与亚洲国家的国防部长们进行了会晤,讨论核危机问题。By resigning he is trying to avoid responsibility for the political crisis.他提出辞职以逃避这场政治危机的责任。The president is anxious not to have another crisis.总统亟欲避免另一场危机。Most people blame the government for the country's worsening economic/financial/fiscal crisis.大多数人将国家日趋严重的经济金融/财政危机归咎于政府。The study looked at the role of local governments in the financial crisis.这份报告研究了各地方政府在金融危机时的作用。The Kremlin is still insisting on a diplomatic solution to the crisis.俄罗斯中央政府依然坚持通过外交方式解决危机。His personal life was full of crisis and turmoil.他的个人生活充满了危机和曲折。The crisis continued as Britain drifted towards war.危机在继续,英国离战争越来越近。We suffered through a crisis.我们挨过了一场危机。 |