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词汇 crisp
例句 The bread in the oven was burned to a crisp.烤箱里的面包被烤焦了。I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air.我深深地吸了口山间清爽的空气。His telephone manner was crisp and authoritative.他打电话时干脆利落,说一不二。The sound from the new speakers is very crisp.新扬声器的声音非常清晰。The weeks of intense heat burned the crops to a crisp.几周的酷热把作物都晒焦了。Place on a baking sheet and bake in a very low oven until crisp.放在烤板上低温烘烤至脆。I opened the oven and found the bacon a crisp.我打开烤箱,发现熏肉已烤得发脆。The crisp snow crunched as we walked through it.我们走过雪地时,雪被踩得吱吱作响。Polly took in a lungful of crisp cool air.波莉吸了一大口清新凉爽的空气。Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp.把熏肉烤到松脆为止。I put on a crisp shirt and tie.我穿上一件笔挺的衬衫并打上领带。She chose a crisp white wine for dinner.她选了一种爽口的白葡萄酒来搭配晚餐。Brush the tops of the loaves with cold water, which helps form the crisp crust for which French bread is famous.用冷水在面包条上刷一刷,就能形成一层脆皮,法式面包就是以此出名的。I love to be out of doors on these bright, crisp autumn mornings.我喜欢在明朗凉爽的秋天早晨到户外活动。The stereo's sound is crisp and clear.这台立体声音响的声音清晰可辨。Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight container.如果装在密封容器里,饼干就会保持酥脆。It was a glorious winter day - crisp and clear.那是一个令人心旷神怡的冬日——空气清新,阳光明媚。He crunched through the crisp snow.他咯吱咯吱地踏雪行进着。Her reply was crisp and unemotional.她的回答很干脆,不带丝毫感情。He issued a series of crisp commands.他干脆利落地下了一连串的命令。A touch of sugar balances the crisp acidity of this wine.少量的糖可以淡化这种葡萄酒杀口的酸味。Gervaise and Terry had opened their crisp packets and were munching greedily.热尔韦斯和特里已经打开了薯片包装袋,嘎巴嘎巴地大嚼起来。Her house is light and airy, crisp and clean.她的房子光线充足,空气流通,清新整洁。The airline's flights, once renowned for their crisp punctuality, are now constantly delayed.那家航空公司的班机曾以不折不扣的准时闻名,现在却经常误点。The speaker has a crisp style of delivery.演讲者说话干净利落。The crisp, dry leaves rustled underneath her feet.她踩着又干又脆的树叶,发出沙沙的响声。Cook the pastry until it is crisp and golden.把油酥面团烤到发脆并呈金黄色。Dawn broke on a fine, crisp morning.天破晓了,唤来一个晴朗清新的早晨。I walked slowly, delighting in the crisp autumn air.我缓步前行,尽享凉爽的秋风。He was dressed in an immaculate navy suit and a crisp white shirt.他穿了一套整洁的海军服和一件挺括的白衬衫。I slipped between the crisp clean sheets.我钻到崭新洁净的被单底下。She kicked at the crisp leaves at her feet.她踢着脚下松脆的树叶。Fry the onions until crisp, and add them last.把洋葱炒到酥脆,最后再把它们加进去。He has a crisp style of delivery.他说话干净俐落。We were impressed by her crisp, businesslike manner.她干练、高效的风格给我们留下了深刻的印象。Bake until the pastry is crisp and golden.将油酥烘烤至金黄酥脆。Her tone was crisp and businesslike.她的语调干脆利落,有板有眼。He put on a crisp white shirt.他穿上一件干净的白衬衣。In a large sauté pan, cook the bacon until crisp.用一只大煎锅将熏猪肉煎脆。The toast had been burned to a crisp.面包片已经烤得很脆了。




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