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词汇 cake
例句 I've known some idiots in my time, but you really take the cake.我这辈子也见过一些傻瓜,但你真是最大的傻瓜。We've got chocolate fudge cake for dessert.我们的饭后甜点是巧克力软糖蛋糕。I'm going to cut the cake now.我现在就来切蛋糕。I'll have some of that cake if it's going spare.如果那蛋糕没有人要,我就吃一点。Make a list of the ingredients you need to bake the cake.列出烤蛋糕需要的配料清单。I had four pieces of cake and made a real pig of myself.我吃了四块蛋糕,吃得像猪一样。If the cake is too moist it will not cut cleanly.蛋糕太潮湿的话不容易切整齐。He helped himself to a wodge of chocolate cake.他吃了一大块巧克力蛋糕。The bottom layer of the cake is made of chocolate and strawberries.蛋糕的最底层是用巧克力和草莓做成的。Fill the basin with the cake mixture.在盆里装入蛋糕拌料。Roger can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a full-time job. You can't eat your cake and have it too.去上大学还是找个全职工作,罗杰还拿不定主意,两者不可兼得呀。The cake puffed up as it baked in the oven.蛋糕在烤箱中烤制时鼓了起来。I was a bit of a pig and ate the whole cake.我有点贪吃,把整个蛋糕都给吃掉了。Add just enough water to moisten the cake mixture without making it too watery.加入适量的水使蛋糕混合料略湿,但不要太稀。The cake was rectangular/circular in shape.蛋糕呈长方形/圆形。It was a savoury cake with a texture similar to that of carrot cake.这是一种口感类似胡萝卜蛋糕的美味蛋糕。She took the cake out of the oven and left it on the kitchen table to cool.她把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来,放在厨房的桌子上冷却。Allow the cake to cool thoroughly before removing it from the tin.等蛋糕凉透了再从烤模中取出。Of course I like your chocolate cake, but it's so filling I couldn't possibly eat another piece.我当然喜欢吃你的巧克力蛋糕,不过这种蛋糕太容易饱,我怎么也吃不下第二块了。Spread the melted chocolate thinly over the cake.把融化的巧克力薄薄地涂在蛋糕上。The cake just broke into pieces when I cut it.我刚切,蛋糕就碎成一块块的了。I admired the thick slices of plum cake arranged on the plate.我欣赏了摆放在盘子里切成厚片的梅子蛋糕。She piped a reverse scroll of chocolate ganache around the base of the cake.她沿着蛋糕基部裱了一圈反向卷形巧克力奶油花边。The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.我们做的蛋糕不大成功。Store the cake in an airtight container.把蛋糕储藏在密封容器里面。I baked you a cake. = I baked a cake for you.我给你烤了个蛋糕。Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake.如果蜡纸已粘在蛋糕的底部,就把它撕掉。I want a cake as big as can be! 我想要个尽可能大的蛋糕。I'm having some cake. Do you want a bit?我在吃蛋糕,给你也来一块怎么样?My wife baked a chocolate cake for my birthday.我妻子做了一个巧克力蛋糕庆贺我的生日。She took a mouthful of the delicious moist cake.她咬了一口美味松软的蛋糕。You'll have some cake, won't you, Charlie?你要吃些蛋糕的,是不是,查理?The two children had to go halves on the last piece of cake.两个孩子只好平分最后一块糕点。I made the icing while the cake was baking.趁烤面包的时候我做好了糖衣。There's a piece of cake over there with your name on it. 那边有块蛋糕是给你的。A piece of shell fell into the cake mixture.有片蛋壳掉进蛋糕面糊里了。I wish I could offer you some cake but there's none left.我真想能请你吃些蛋糕,但一点也没剩。I don't need any more cake, thank you. One piece will do. 我不要蛋糕了,谢谢。一块就够了。I'm baking a cake for Tom's birthday.我在为汤姆烤生日蛋糕。Christmas/party/table/cake decorations圣诞/聚会/餐桌/蛋糕装饰




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