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词汇 a rough
例句 I saw a rough cut of the movie.我看了那部电影的初剪版。Nick had a rough time at home.尼克在家吃了不少苦。I have a rough draft of the article finished, but I still have to lick it into shape.这篇文章的草稿我已完成,但我仍须把它修改得像个样子。The plane had a rough flight in the storm.飞机在风雨中颠簸着飞行。This proposal represents a rough estimate of the cost of materials and labor.这一计划提出材料费和人工费的粗略估算。These figures give a rough guide as to the sales we can expect.这些数字让我们对可能取得的销售额有了一个大致概念。It's going to be a rough day for me.今天对于我来说会很难熬。Andy's going through a rough patch at the moment - his wife wants a divorce.安迪眼下处境有点儿不顺——他老婆要跟他离婚。Despite a rough start, the team won more games this season than last.虽然开局不利,但球队本赛季比上一个赛季赢了更多的比赛。They have been having a rough time recently.他们近来的日子很不好过。The company I work for went through a rough patch.我所在的公司经历了一段困难时期。She gave her room a rough tidy-up.她把屋子马马虎虎地收拾一下。It's pretty stormy! I think we're in for a rough flight.风相当大!我想我们这次航程会很颠簸。The man was thought to be an animal because he behaved in a rough and unacceptable way.大家把这人当作畜牲,因为他行为粗鲁,令人难以接受。We made a rough calculation of the size of the dump.我们大概地计算了一下废物堆的大小。At a rough estimate, there were still a thousand in front of us.粗略估算一下,我们前面还有一千人。Hessian provides warm colour and a rough homespun texture.粗麻布色调温暖且具有家纺布料的粗糙质地。It often helps to make a rough sketch showing where the vehicles were.画一个简略的草图标示车辆当时所在的位置往往很有用。The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works.财政大臣的处境可能会很艰难,除非计划奏效。This is only a rough guess.这只是一个大致的推测。Tomorrow, he knew, would be a rough day.他知道明天将会是艰难的一天。The company I work for went through a rough patch.我工作的公司经历过一段困难时期。It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers were seasick.摆渡时船颠簸得厉害,大多数乘客都晕船了。These are the figures, but they're only a rough estimate.就是这些数据,不过只是个粗略的估计。He gave us a rough outline of the course.他给我们大概讲了一下这门课程的提纲。I had a rough idea where the sunk ship lay.我大略知道沉船的位置。The pilot told passengers and crew to brace themselves for a rough landing.飞行员叫乘客和机组人员坐稳,准备硬着陆。It often helps to make a rough sketch.画草图往往会有帮助。It's possible, but he has a rough row to hoe.事属可能,但也有他干的了。The chairman will face a rough ride from shareholders.股东不会让董事长好过的。Fishing is a rough job.捕鱼是个体力活。They had a rough time during the war.他们在战时吃了不少苦。He's a rough diamond with a kind heart.他是一个外粗内秀、心地善良的人。There's a rough track through the woods for riders and walkers.树林中有一条崎岖小径,供骑车人和远足者使用。Justice was administered in a rough and ready fashion, without using courts or juries.审判以很简单的方式进行,没有经过法院,也没有陪审团参与。The new measures have met with a rough welcome from the union members.新措施受到工会成员不客气的对待。It has been a rough couple of weeks.最近几周真不好过。We'd worked out a rough plan of campaign.我们已制订了初步的作战方案。This is a rough drawing of the house I want to build.这是我想要建造的房子的草图。They built a rough model out of sticks and wire.他们用木条和金属丝做了个粗制的模型。




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