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词汇 around here
例句 The countryside around here is almost completely flat.这里的乡下几乎是一马平川。Hey there, stranger. We haven't seen you around here for a long time.嗨,稀客呀,我们好久没见到你来这里了。He's top dog around here.他是这附近一带的首领。The roads around here are pretty bad. 这附近的路况相当差。Some of the houses around here are very old.这里有些房子年代已经很久了。My wallet must be around here somewhere.我的钱包肯定是在这里的什么地方。It's the only good garden centre around here.这是这一带唯一的一家不错的园艺中心。They're used to rough justice around here.他们习惯了这里的不公平待遇。Nothing newsworthy ever happens around here. It's so boring.这里从没发生任何有新闻价值的事情,太乏味了。People around here are sometimes prejudiced against Catholics.此地的人有时对天主教徒有偏见。It's high time we all stood up for our rights around here.我们大家现在急需行动起来,维护我们在这里的权利。You go - I'll stick around here a bitlonger.你走吧——我在这儿再呆会儿。There must be a kiosk selling phone cards around here somewhere.这里附近肯定有一家小商亭有电话卡出售的。Don't hang around here when we are busy.我们都在忙着,你别在这儿游荡啦。News travels fast around here.消息在这儿传得很快。There are some good restaurants around here, but I can't tell you their names off the top of my head.附近有几家不错的餐馆,可我一时说不上它们的名字。There's supposed to be treasure buried around here.据推测这一带埋着宝藏。The majority of people around here are decent people.这里的大多数人都很正派。There's nothing fun to do around here.这附近没什么好玩的。They've pulled down so many buildings around here it looks like a bomb site.他们把这儿的许多建筑物都推倒了,看起来就像一片被轰炸后的废墟。Folks around here have been pretty angry about the governor's actions.这里的人对州长的做法相当愤怒。Now that Sam's retired, things won't be the same around here.现在萨姆退休了,这里就会变得不一样了。I want to know who's pulling the strings around here.我想知道是谁在这儿幕后操纵。The land around here is poor because of years of intensive farming.由于长年的密集耕作,这一带的土地很贫瘠。The country around here is very scenic.这附近的乡村风景非常优美。I don't know how he can stand to show his face around here after what happened.发生那样的事之后,我不知道他如何好意思还在这附近公开露面。You'd better ask Toby. He's the brains around here.你最好去问托比,他是这里的智囊人物。Just don't come around here with hearts and flowers.可别怀着伤感之情来这儿。Several large agribusinesses own most of the farms around here.几个大型农业综合经营公司控制着附近大部分的农场。There are always tots playing around here.总是有小孩在这里玩。It is traditional around here to drink brandy with coffee as a morning pick-me-up.在这个地方,传统上把白兰地和咖啡混在一起当作早晨的提神饮料。You have to pull your own weight around here if you want to stay.如果你想继续待下去,就得做好本职工作。I get the impression it's busty women who are given preferential treatment around here.我有这样的感觉,胸部丰满的女性在这里受优待。I don't know how he can show his face around here. 我不明白他怎么好意思在这里露面。The night had turned cold, as is usual around here.夜晚变得很冷,在这一带经常如此。Big doings around here tomorrow night?明晚这儿有盛大社交活动吗?There hasn't been much action around here for months.几个月来这里没有发生多少有意思的事。My opinion counts for zip around here.我的意见在这里一文不值。There have been many changes around here since I was a boy.这里自我幼年起已发生了很多变化。People around here are so small-minded.这里的人思想很狭隘。




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